River Wissey Lovell Fuller


June 2005

Another attempt to elicit community iews on their favourite DESERT ISLAND DISKS

About five years ago, we had some fun in the Pump with our own version of Desert Island Discs. To those who are unaware of this programme, it is the longest running show on radio, and that includes the Archer's. On it, a guest is invited to choose which eight records he / she would take with them should they be marooned on a desert island, always assuming they had something on which to play them. Further to that, the person was allowed one book (the Bible and The Works of Shakespeare would already be there) plus one luxury item, though nothing that would help them to escape

My choice of records would be as follows:

Bach's Toccata and Fugue

Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov

Beethoven's 4th symphony

Allegri's Miserere

Moonlight Serenade by Glen Miller

Loving you is beautiful by Minnie Ripperton

Time by Pink Floyd

The Intro & The Outro by the Bonzo dogs

My luxury item would be a radio permanently tuned to stations that commentate on cricket and by book would be "Playing the Moldovans at Tennis" by Tony Hawkes.

Lots of new people have moved into our villages since we last did Desert Island Discs, so please get thinking and send your selections to Ray Thompson.

Graham Forster

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