Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the Annual Wereham Parish Council meeting

June 2005

Minutes of the annual Wereham Parish Council

held following the

Parish meeting on Tuesday 9th May 2005 in the Village Hall.

1. Present: R. Lankfer, G. Gott, P. Markwell, G. Clere, C. Humphries, Mrs. Willis together with 5 members of the public.

2. Apologies: None

3. Election of Chairman: The Clerk asked for nominations for Chairman --. R. Lankfer was proposed by Mrs. Willis and seconded by G. Gott. There being no other nominations R. Lankfer was duly elected and took the Chair.

4. Election of Vice Chairman: G. Gott was proposed by Mrs. Willis and seconded by C. Humphries and was unanimously elected.

5. Minutes: It was proposed by G. Gott and seconded by Mrs. Willis that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2005 be signed as a correct record.

6. Matters Arising: The road surface in Stoke Road is still awaiting attention as is the footpath outside The Forge in Church Road. The tyres in Cavenham Road appear to have been removed. The Pedestrian Safety Fencing at the junction of Flegg Green and the A134 is in hand. The pot holes in Back Street have been repaired. A reply has been received from N.C.A.of P and T Councils confirming that which was thought to be the case and in fact is exactly what this Parish Council already carries out. Pond area - various ideas were discussed all of which are very expensive - Mr. Eastgate agreed to obtain the services of a Structural Engineer from the Bridge department to carry out an investigation into the foundation and will report back by the next Parish Council meeting. Rubbish and debris is still being thrown onto the verges on the B 1160.

7. Planning: None,

8. Payments: Village Hall £36.00: Cornhill Insurance £721. 59: W.N.B.C. £35.27: N.C.A.of P & T. Councils £114. 02. It was proposed by G. Clere and seconded by P. Markwell that these accounts be passed for payment.

9. Adoption of Accounts: It was proposed by C. Humphries and seconded by G. Gott that the accounts be adopted as presented.

10. Appointment of R.F.O: The Clerk was proposed by R. Lankfer and seconded by G. Gott unanimously agreed.

11. Review of Burial Fees: It was agreed that these remain the same for the coming year.

12. Payment of Electricity Account: It was proposed by G. Clere and seconded by Mrs. Willis that the account continues to be paid by Direct Debit.

13. Correspondence: Victim Support - request for donation - noted. N.R.C.C. notification of renewal subscription - noted. N.C.C. Fire Service confirmed the name of the Local Risk Manager. Signpost: The Playing Field: W.N. Sports A.G.M. will be held on 8th June - all noted. Mr. T. Gorman requested permission to attach a small additional sign to the Neighbourhood Watch signs reference locking cars - agreed. W.N.B.C. Burial Grounds Survey 2005 - Chairman to measure area.

14. Any Other Business:Mr. Eastgate agreed to arrange for kerbing along the Church wall in Church Road thus assisting with the drainage in that area and enabling the area to be swept. Drainage is causing a problem on the grass area near the pond - investigation is hopefully going to take place. The Sounding Alley is very scruffy and needs tidying and cleaning. A request was made that the Grass maintenance Contractor be asked to cut the area of grass at the entrance to the Playing field from Bens Lane as many children enter the Playing Field at this point. A request was made for a small group of children accompanied by adult Supervisors from the Forward and Futures Charity to be permitted to fish in the pond about twice a year - permission was granted. Concern was expressed about the parking of vehicles in Back Lane particularly in relation to emergency vehicles should one be needed to attend a major incident. It was stated that grass and black bags were blowing off a lorry leaving Flegg Green - clerk was instructed to ask that this be avoided in future

The meeting closed at 8.20p.m.

Parish Clerk

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