West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the Annual West Dereham Parish Council

June 2005

Minutes of Annual West Dereham PC

Minutes of the Annual West Dereham Parish Council Meeting held on 12th May 2005 following The Parish Meeting in the Village Hall.

1. Present: E. Drew, Mrs. Berry, Miss Richardson, Mrs. Fisher, M. Chief, Mrs. Cairn, B. Glover (arrived late) and a member of the public.

2. Apologies: None

3. Election of Chairman: The Clerk asked for nominations for Chairman and E. Drew was proposed by Mrs. Fisher and seconded by M. Chief - there were no other nominations and E. Drew was duly elected and took the Chair.

4. Election of Vice Chairman: Miss Richardson was proposed by M. Grief and seconded by Mrs. Cairn and was duly elected.

5. Minutes of the Public meeting: It was agreed these be signed as a correct record.

6. Minutes: It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 7th April, 2005 be signed as a correct record.

7. Matters Arising: Mrs. Cairn confirmed that the posters for the Hubert Walter Committee and the proposed functions were now ready and would shortly be distributed to every house in the Village.

8. Planning: None

9. Payments: Environment Agency £14.08 : Cornhill Insurance £382.86 : C.G.M. Ltd. £188.00 : Norfolk Rural Community Council £15.00 : Victim Support Norfolk £20.00 - Proposed M. Grief, seconded Miss Richardson - pass for payment.

10. Adoption of Accounts: It was proposed by Mrs. Cann and seconded by Mrs. Fisher that the accounts be adopted as presented.

11. Appointment of R.F.O. It was proposed by Miss Richardson and seconded by Mrs. Berry the Clerk be appointed.

12. Review of Burial Fees: It was agreed to let these remain the same for another year. Review of Insurance: As no new items had been added it was agreed to let these remain as before.

13. Correspondence: Mrs. Fisher proposed and Mrs. Cairn seconded a donation of £20.00 be sent to Victim Support Norfolk. N.C.C. Fire Service advised name of new Local Risk Manager as Mr. P. Seaman: Signpost: all noted. W.N.B.C. Burial Grounds Survey - Mrs. Cairn volunteered to complete.

14. Any Other Business: Trees along the River Bank need cutting - Miss Richardson volunteered to contact the Footpaths Officer. Queries were raised regarding the following matters (1) Main Sewage in the Parish (2) continuation of footpath from Community Centre to Hilgay Road (3) outcome of meeting between Chief Executive and Borough Councillor - clerk to try and obtain some answers.

The meeting closed at 7.48p.m.

Parish Clerk

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