Minutes of the Wereham Parish Meeting
June 2005
Minutes of Wereham PC
Minutes of the Wereham Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 9th May 2005
at 7.00p.m. in the Village Hall.
1. Present: R. Lankier - Chairman, U. Gott, C. Humphries, P. Markwell, G. Clere, Mrs. Willis and J. Eastgate.
2. Apologies: None
3. Minutes: It was proposed by G. Gott and seconded by Mrs. Willis that the Minutes of the 2004 Parish Meeting be signed as a correct record.
4. Village Hall Report: Mr. Eastgate reported that over the year a small loss of £175. 00 had been incurred. This In part was due to the fact that the Committee no longer hire the Hall to the Bird Auction. The charges for the coming year are to remain the same to all local hirers. When the disabled toilets and necessary access works are completed consideration is to be made regarding a new heating system as the existing is proving expensive with maintenance and break down costs.
5. Matters Raised by the Public: None
The meeting closed at 7.06p.m.
Parish Clerk