Boughton News
July 2005
The monthly update of news and events in Boughton
At the recent meeting of Boughton Parish Council, Frank Reid was co-opted to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Angela Mason. The Council also agreed to send the minutes of Boughton Parish Meeting to the Norfolk Record Office for safekeeping, and to make them available to all. The minutes date from 1894, when such Meetings were first instigated by the Local Government Act of that year, and run through to 2003, when the Meeting was replaced by a Council.
The first Chairman was none other than Richard Harwin, a great benefactor of the village; his home was The Poplars (now Harwins). He built the Sunday school and attached former Methodist Chapel and, in 1888, he had the former village school built entirely at his own expense. By the time of his tragic death at the age 87 in 1912, when he fell face first from a cart onto the road, he was known as "The Father of Boughton".
In his will, he left bequests to almost one hundred beneficiaries, as well as Charities. Every employee and ex employee was remembered, along with 50 relatives, the schoolmistress, the lay preacher and the nurse. Today he lies in Boughton churchyard, beside his wife, who died 22 years before him.
Open Gardens: We had our most successful day ever, in spite of the weather! Our nerves were not improved by the fact that Boughton had no water from mid-morning until about 2pm, and it is difficult to do refreshments without water! The vicar's wife made a trip to Barton Bendish to fill the urn, which was very good of her. However, it all came right in the end, and we had 142 visitors, by far the most we have ever had. The exact figure for money raised is not yet available (might be tomorrow, Ray) but it should be well over £800. Many thanks to all who contributed in any way - the gardeners, the cooks, the helpers, the Junior Church people, Alex and Toni for enabling us to open the church during part of the afternoon, Moira and Andy selling tickets, and especially to Pauline and Ian Lee-Evans for everything they did before and after the day. Apologies if anyone is left off, but I am trying to make the deadline! We finished the day with a barbecue on the village green, which was thoroughly enjoyable, even if it ended on a slightly damp note. The real rain held off until much later. We felt truly blessed.
Are you a Carer?
If so, you will be interested in Carers Week 2005, where the theme is Work, Rest and Play. It runs from June 13 to 19: locally Tuesday June 14 is the day when workers from Age Concern Crossroads, West Norfolk Carers Association, MIND Carers Support, BBC Radio Norfolk and more will be on Tuesday Market Place in Kings Lynn, and outside Boots in King Street, Thetford from 9.30am until 2.30pm to meet, greet and chat.
Paul Coulten
Advance notice
Organ and choral concert in Boughton Church
Saturday July 9th in aid of church project
Details to be announced later
Organ scholar from Cambridge is also organ scholar elect of St Paul's Cathedral.
Alan Wilkinson is arranging details and will prepare posters and tickets for distribution.
Compiled by Pam Wakeling