July Editorial
July 2005
Ray bemoans the bad weather in the early part of June and then looks at other topics of conversation...
Hello again,
An old RAF friend of mine had a pragmatic view about the English weather in June! He always said, "You know why they call it flaming June? It's because the weather is always so flaming bad!" Having experienced just half of this June, I am beginning to agree with him. "Don't cast a clout 'till May is out" goes the old Norfolk maxim. Don't cast owt 'till June is out" seems a more sensible approach. And it is not as if the June weather has done anything for the water shortage! Essex already has a hosepipe ban and several of their reservoirs are at best half full. I blame it on the government!!
And what else offers a topic of conversation after we have exhausted the weather? Over recent days the press has been scathing at the apparent disregard by Cherie Blair of the rules governing those who, either hold high office or, are the spouse of those that do. In this the 21st century should this really be providing headlines in our National press? Surely, all elected politicians and their partners. are only too well aware of the codes of conduct under which they live their somewhat pampered lives? Perhaps your editor is being too naive? But then, Cherie has several more lucrative tours booked. How can I get on this gravy train? I can see it now: "Village Pump Editor spills the beans about collation sex romps; VP Ed comes clean about letters to the Editor!" Will these writings be banned because it is an abuse of the Editor's position or will G Brown just take an extra chunk of tax from the Editor's pension? The mind boggles.
Then there is the question of the European Union Constitution! Is it a case of all in agreement or not? Or can the EU decide, in cases of conflict, to accept a majority vote? Tony Blair clearly thinks that the latter is a non-starter, although he left it to Jack Straw, our beleaguered Foreign Secretary to take the poisoned chalice. What a challenging world we live in? I almost wish for some form of dictatorship; that was until I heard of the about-turn of Baroness Mary Warnock, author of the policy for inclusion for all, who published a hard-hitting critique of her former stance. The Government, as Lady Warnock makes clear, has a patronising approach to special schools, with ministers apparently set on 'immovable tracks' and using every method by 'hook or by crook' to keep all children except those with severe and complex disabilities out of special schools.
I can speak on this subject first hand having a beloved grandson with these so-called special needs. Despite the efforts of the modern do-gooders, the love and compassion of his parents have ensured that he received the special treatment his condition deserves. Sad to say, at 12 ears of age, the special schooling has failed him and he now has to return to mainstream education; luckily, much better equipped to deal with the vagaries of the modern education system!
Be good and give prayers for the continuation of your highly successful Pump production team. We need all the help you can provide!
Ray Thompson