Minutes of the West Dereham Parish Council meeting
July 2005
Minutes of the June meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council
Minutes of the West Dereham Parish Council meeting held
on Thursday 9th June 2005 at 8.00 p.m.
in The Village Hall.
1. Present: K Drew - Chairman, M. Grief, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Cairn, Miss Richardson, Mrs. Fisher together with Mr. Rockliffe - County Councillor and Mr. Eastgate N.C.C. Area Manager and 4 members of the public.
2. Apologies: None
3. Minutes: The minutes of the 12th May 2005 Parish Meeting were agreed as a correct record.
The minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on the 12th May 2005 were agreed as proposed by Mrs. Fisher and seconded by Miss Richardson.
4. Mailers Arising: The overhanging trees along the river bank, the footpath from the Community Centre to Hilgay Road and the Burial Ground Survey are all in hand. Station Road; The Chairman introduced Mr. Eastgate and the new County Councillor - Mr. Rockcliffe. Mr. Eastgate confirmed his enquiries were not as far ahead as he had hoped but various options have been inspected. The old railway line is not felt to be as good as at first thought. Ownership of land from Station Road to the B1160 is being established via the Land Registry. Temporary parching has been carried out in Station Road, more lay bys are going to be constructed, drainage work is going to be carried out near the Chapel and more extensive work is going to be carried out outside the Old Chequers where the road is again breaking up. A new machine, into which planings are placed, heated and then become as tarmac, is coming to the area and is going to be used in Station Road. Various pot holes have been marked in the Village and will, be dealt with in the very near fixture. Mr. Page felt that the measures as stated were cosmetic and wanted assurance that they would not jeopardise the main object.
5. Planning: E.D.F. Energy Supply - Rebuild of 33KV Overhead Line - no objections.
6. Payments: Electricity Supply - £23.02: Election Poster placing £6.00: Internal Audit £20.00. Proposed M Grief, seconded Mrs. Fisher - pass for payment.
7. Correspondence: Norfolk Link - noted. Q.E. Hospital 25th birthday party 22nd July 2005 - Chairman to attend.
8. Actions: None
9. Any Other Business: A request was made for an extra area of Church yard to be cut - it was agreed that a meeting between the Contractor and Churchwarden be arranged to discuss the size of the area so that a quotation can be obtained.
The meeting closed at 8.25p.m.
Parish Clerk