Wereham News
July 2005
The monthly accoun from Wereham
Wereham Festival - Sunday 17th July - 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Please check through your garden sheds to see if you have any suitable items (old watering cans, pails, garden tools etc) for the display at Wereham Festival on July 17th. One person has found an elegant 1940's watering can - wonderful - but the display will need more. There are plenty of ideas afoot and we hope to delight all visitors to St. Margaret's Church on Festival Day with our 'Country Gardens of Yesteryear'.
If you can help, please telephone Ivy Humphries on (01366) 501108 - we will collect and label all your items for return after the festival. Thankyou.
Hats Glorious Hats
At Wereham's hat competition, take care,
There will be hats which I'm sure will be rare,
So why not have a go,
'Cos for all that you know
You might win a prize from the Mayor!
Silly I know, but please remember the Fancy Hat Competion on Festival Day - let your imagination and skills run wild. The Lady Mayoress from Downham Market has kindly agreed to come along to judge the best hats for us and to make a presentation to the best entry, so let us make it a memorable occasion. Ladies, gentlemen and children all welcome - the more the merrier and who knows, you could be the lucky one. There will be a very nice prize for the best entry.
The festival will include many old favourites with some new attractions such as, 'Wang the Welly', 'Tug of war', 'Darts Pontoon', 'Splat the Rat' plus many more.
A display of old and new gardening tools and an assortment of watering cans plus a few surprises will be in the church along with a super plant display by courtesy of Quaymount Nursery.
Patricia Evans (with thanks to Philip Norris - Wereham's 'Poet Laureate'!)
Cakes and Prizes
As usual we need items for the ever-popular Festival Cake Stall. Cakes may be left with Liz Baddock at Chile House, St. Margaret's Hill, Wereham. Prizes for the raffle, and items for the bottle stall and hoop-la stall etc can be left at the village shop. Raffle tickets will be on sale before the festival from Wereham Village Stores.
Children's Tombola
We are still looking for a few more books, toys, games or whatever you can donate for the Children's Tombola stall at the Festival. Items to Sheila Heavens, Russets, Back Lane, Wereham please. Thankyou.
Songs of Praise
Wereham Festival will conclude with a special 'Songs of Praise' at 6:30 pm in St. Margaret's Church. All welcome!
Euroquest 2005
Cubs and their leaders from the Wereham and Wretton Group joined packs from across the county at the 'Euroquest Camp' at Norwich Showground from 20th to 22nd May. This was one of Norfolk's biggest ever cub events with over 1,400 youngsters in attendance. The weather was less than kind, but torrential rain failed to dampen spirits. Each district represented a different European country; our South West Norfolk district was transformed into Holland for the weekend complete with windmills and tulips. Highlights were the 'Jump Zone' (bungee trampolines), abseiling, archery and the fantastic range of activities on offer in the Craft Marquee. We enjoyed it so much we are planning another (much smaller) camp at our own HQ in July. Let's hope the sun shines!
Paul Smith, Akela
Parish Council Meeting
Please support your local Parish council by attending meetings held on alternate months in the Village Hall at 7:30 pm throughout the year. The date of the next meeting is: -
Tuesday 12th July
Sue Smith