River Wissey Lovell Fuller


August 2005

Minutes of the SFRA Committee Meeting

Present: Brian Harrison (Chairman), Ray Thompson (Deputy Chairman), Helaine Wyett (Secretary); Committee members: Alan Whitford, Mandy Leamon, Debroy Summers

1. Apologies for absence: Guy de Montfort, Mally Reeve (Village Hall Cttee). Tim Read

2 Minutes of the previous meeting (12/4/05): RT proposed acceptance as a correct record, seconded ML. All agreed.

3 Matters arising

The Parish Council had been informed of the ratified status of the Residents' Assn. Members have been invited to join the RA Committee but it appeared unlikely that anyone would do this.

4 Open Meeting

- Date agreed: Thursday 16 June

- Flyer: circulated and content agreed with the following additions:

* 'and improve the appearance of the village' be added to the first

bracketed sentence beginning 'How can we affect ...'

* A review of the survey results to be included with 'Questions from

Residents' at the end.

* A request for return of completed questionnaires if unable to attend.

Venue: Kit Hesketh-Harvey has agreed, in principle, to the use of the church; need to confirm date with him.

Content of meeting: agreed.

* Re: the Village Hall, the Chairman reported that Geoff Allen had offered a new village hail, to be built on the site of the empty bungalow next to 'Allenville', with car parking, The Village Hall committee is currently considering the proposal.

* Re: the Playing Field. It was agreed that this was now a good asset to

the village and credit should be given to the Playing Field Committee for this.

5 Tenants' meeting

It was noted that there did not appear to be a need for a Tenants' meeting separate

from the Open meeting. It was thought possible that someone from the Borough

Council might be present to answer questions, perhaps Tony Hall, Head of Housing.

6 Village Design Statement

DS reported that he had not progressed with this as, at present, only he was involved. It was agreed that a sub-committee should be set up and RT and DS agreed to discuss who might be approached. BH offered to be part of the group (but not the chairman) and it was hoped the Open meeting might prompt others to offer help. AW added that Andrew Smith would not be available to help, owing to other commitments. The Chairman felt this was now fairly urgent, bearing in mind interest already expressed by developers in vacant sites.

7 Consecration of cemetery

The extension to the CofE part of the cemetery on Furlong Road would be consecrated by the Bishop of Ely on 2 June at 4 pm, followed by refreshments provided by various village groups in the Village Hall. It was hoped this would be a village occasion and all were welcome.

8 Stock Transfer: Nothing further to report.

9 Local Group projects:

a) Village Hall: reported above

b) Playing Field: nothing new to add to previous meeting's report.

10 Local Groups:

The following groups/contacts were noted:

- Forget-me-Not Club - Joyce Hull

- Mardlers, Ladies' Group - Doris Armsby

- Youth Club - Julie Mills

- Little Oaks Pre- school - Seth Charlesworth

11 Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12 July 2005.(Chairman's note - postponed until 19th July 2005 to enable feedback to be obtained from the Parish Council)

12 AOB:

- The Chairman had reported that a Renault Espace has been offered to the Residents' Association for the use of village groups. It was agreed that this should be accepted, subject to insurance.

- Rats had been reported in Buckenham Drive. It was noted that the Borough Council should be contacted on 01553 616200 for the rat catcher.

- RT noted that this was the 4th meeting when nearly half the committee had n attended. The Chairman proposed that anyone expressing an interest in the Association at the Open meeting should be asked if they would be interested in becoming a committee member. Agreed.

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm

Helaine Wyett

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