War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Methodist Chapel

January 2006

A New Year message to Stoke Ferry Methodists from the Reverend Matt Finch

1st Jan 11.00 Mr Reg Rose

8th Jan 11.00 Mrs Ruth Palmer

15th Jan 11.00 Covenant Service led by Revd Andrew Sankey

22nd Jan 11.00 Mrs Sheila Forth

29th Jan 11.00 Mrs Dawn DeVisme

I resolve to be who I am!

Well Christmas is over, the Christmas TV was the same let down, if you are male the sock draw is bulging and if you are female you have enough smellies to last you for the next six years. The time has gone when you were bombarded by advertisements telling you to buy a gift for the person you would not change for the world. Now you and that person need to go to weight watchers, see Trinny and Susanna, take out a loan for a holiday, book Alan Titchmarsh for the garden and get in the DIY SOS team for the home improvements! No sooner are we celebrating the families and people we love and we are trying to resolve to be different. What happened to the peace and contentment we celebrate at Christmas!

For me, as a Christian trying to do my best, the messages being fed to me by the media contradict the one of the core beliefs of my faith; that I am wonderfully and fearfully made, that I am created by the creator of the universe and that I am loved no matter my appearance, my status, the car I drive or the house I live in. At this time of year with my resolutions already falling by the wayside perhaps I have started in the wrong place. Maybe if we began by saying that we are perfectly made, that 'I am who I am' and that 'I am precious no matter what' the rest would fall into place. Just maybe it would be easier to change if we considered our value as one created and loved by God. Perhaps our resolve would be stronger in the security of that knowledge!

So all the best in your new years resolutions whatever they are. I am off to give up the smoking and drinking, loose six stone, give up TV and stop swearing, knowing that I am precious and loved by some many (well a few!) people.

Happy New year, God Bless, .

Matt Finch

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