Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the meeting of the Wereham Parish Council

February 2006

Minutes from the January meeting of the Wereham PC

held on

Tuesday 11th January 2006 in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

1. Present: G. Gott - Vice Chairman, Mrs. Willis, C. Humphries, P. Markwell, T.

Manley - Borough Councillor and a member of the public.

2. Apologies: R. Lankfer and D. Pickston.

3. Minutes: It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 8th November 2005 be signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising: Charlton House development - the footpath has been completed. A School bus owned by Euroview West Norfolk Travel uses School Lane to access Cavenham Road and it is causing the road edge to get very muddy - clerk to write and ask they use another route. The Willow trees around the Pond are is good order and need no attention at present. Play equipment - there is some of the older equipment which needs to be removed, - clerk to obtain a quotation. Rubbish has been tipped on the verge at the second bend on Cavenham Road - clerk to contact the Borough Council.

5. Planning Application: MP Consents Division- 33KV Overhead Line from Downham Market to Wereham. Mr. & Mrs. J. Pickwell -2 storey ext. to dwelling and alterations to create second floor accommodation at Warren Cottage, Cavenham Road - both to be recommended for approval.

6. Planning Decision: Mrs. J.R. Whatley, Plaisant View, Flegg Green - Garage -approved.

7. Payments: Southery I.D.B. £19.98 : Audit Commission £58.75 : C.G.M. £712.46: Clerk's Annual salary £747.50 - proposed Mrs. Willis and seconded P. Markwell that these accounts be paid.

8. Precept: It was proposed by Mrs. Willis and seconded by C. Humphries that the precept for 2006/7 be £3097.50 - unanimously agreed.

9. Correspondence: N.C.C. - Bus stop locations: Norfolk Link: N.C.C. Gritting Routes: Norfolk Matters - all agreed. Audit has been returned and all is in order. W.N.B.C. letter reference the Open Spaces which they have been responsible for in the past - these will now cost the Parish about £3.25 per Band D property.

10. Any Other Business: There is a trailer parked in the lay by in Flegg Green and the Chairman has spoken to the owner who has agreed to refrain from parking in that place. The road surface outside Mill Garage is breaking up again and Chevrons on the B 1160 on Cornerways Farm have been erected only on one side of the road - clerk to contact the County Council.

The meeting closed at 8.l0p.m.

Parish Clerk

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