River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Runnin On

February 2006

Janet provides a means of topping up the cake tin after the Christmas feasting

It just doesn't seem possible that Christmas has been and gone already, and, what is even worse, every scrap of the Christmas food has also gone!

The time has come to start to refill the cake tins, luckily I have some recipes that are easy to make so I'll give you one of my favourites.

1 heaped teacup All-Bran

1 heaped teacup castor sugar

1 heaped teacup mixed dried fruit

1teacup of milk

1teacup self-raising flour

Put All-Bran, sugar and dried fruit into a bowl and mix them well together. Stir in the milk and leave them to stand for an hour. Then sieve in the flour, mixing well, and pour mixture in to a well-greased 1 1b. loaf tin. Bake in a moderate oven (Gas No 4-170 degrees C for fan oven) for one & a half hours. The cake should be cooked by then, but, if you are not sure just stick a skewer into the cake, the skewer should come out clean. If the cake is still sticking to the skewer, pop it back in the oven for another few minutes.

Turn the cake out onto a wire tray to cool. I usually cook three of these cakes as I have three tins, two cakes will go in the freezer and the remaining cake will be a treat with our morning coffee.

Janet Tilburn

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