Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

The Wereham Page

February 2006

Sue has co-ordinated inputs from around the village


It was good to see the Family Carols and Midnight Mass services at Wereham so well attended. Particular thanks to Ivy, Sheila and helpers for decorating the church so beautifully - it looked stunning.

Thanks also to our young carol-singers - Ellie, Jess, Rachel, Lucy, Rob, Will, Harri and Eleanor, and to Dom who accompanied them on the accordion. They braved the cold on Christmas Eve to play at houses around the village, and raised over £242 for St. Margaret's Church in the process!

Warmer Times Ahead

Work on the long-awaited heating installation at St. Margaret's Church should be nearing completion soon.

Celebration of Art and Flowers

It is planned to have a celebration of art and flowers in St. Margaret's Church in May.

We aim to have a show of artwork to accompany the flower displays. Pictures of flowers you love - anyone can enter. The pictures can be painted in oil, watercolour, pastels, pen drawing, dried flowers, photographs, embroidery or cross-stitch - any medium you wish. You may have a favourite picture already hanging in your home that you would like to share with others.

There will also be a children's section - so, girls and boys, get out your paints, pencils or start making a collage!

More details in future editions of The Pump. In the meantime, it is hoped that this will give everyone wishing to participate time to think about and get working on a picture. We do hope you will support us in this event - it should be such fun and raise a little more money for our church too.

Sheila Heavens

Sue Smith

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