War Memorial Gary Trouton

Letter to the Editor2

April 2006

A reader expresses concern at the indiscriminate feeding of birds in the Oak Road area, which could attract vermin

Dear Editor,

We note in the draft Minutes of the Stoke Ferry Council Meeting recorded in The Village Pump of February 2006, that concern is raised about the numbers of pigeons causing problems in the area.

In the same vein, concern should also be recorded about the placing of bread for seagulls and other birds. This practice takes place on most early mornings on the spare ground left by Bennetts which is surrounded by Border, Fairfield, Manor and Oak Roads. It attracts at least 30 seagulls every time. Bread is dropped in gardens by the birds and the residue left on the green will attract vermin.

This practice should stop immediately, failing which the next visitors to the area in question will be rats.

Name and address supplied.


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