Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

April 2006

Minutes of the Stoke Ferry Parish Council


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 22 February 2006

1. Those Attending: Mr. M Ferrie (Chairman), Mr. Mycock, Mrs.T Mann, Mr. M Precey, Mr. J Preston, Mrs. C Hardy (Clerk), 13 members of the public.

2. Apologies: Were received from Councillor T Manley, Councillor T White and Mrs. M Leamon

3. Declaration of Interest None

4. Minutes of the last Meeting: Mr. Precey proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Mrs. Mann.

5. Matters Arising:

a) Bus Shelter - To be discussed later in the meeting.

b) Steps Great Mans Way - Letter had been sent to the Countryside Access Development Officer - the footpath is his responsibility, he had visited recently but could not see evidence that it was being obstructed. If residents are prevented from using the path through intimidation, this should be reported to the police to enable evidence to be gathered. To enquire whether a Public Right of Way sign could be erected also to make contact with the Ramblers Association.

c) Lighting in Bradfield Place and Fairfield Road - some improvements with the current lighting may be possible but not until the transfer to Freebridge Community Housing is complete. The Clerk was asked to enquire the cost of additional lighting in the village, also obtain leaflets on light pollution.

d) Footpaths outside Village Hall and Wretton Hill/Wretton Road - these areas have been repaired.

e) Road Safety Committee - Mrs. Mann and Mr. Precey attended the recent meeting but did not feel it was in the interest of the Parish to attend future meetings. The Parish deal with the road safety problems that arise.

f) Recycling - A letter had been received from BCKL&WN apologising for lack of collection over Christmas and New Year, there will possibly be a break in recycling collections next Christmas. Stoke Ferry is in the first group of households to have the wheeled recycling bins, they should be delivered during July/August.

Grounds Maintenance/Grass Cutting

Two quotations had been received, Country Grounds Maintenance Ltd £1115.80 and Lewis Landscaping Services £1990. After some consideration it was agreed that the quotation of Country Grounds Maintenance be accepted, their prices to be held for three years. The Clerk was asked to enquire if it would be possible for them to let the Parish have a schedule of when they would be working in the village. This would be dependent upon weather conditions.

Sign on Common

Two quotations had been received for a sign prohibiting motorised vehicles going onto the common. IRS Limited £62.80 plus a delivery charge, plus VAT and Fitzpatrick Woolmer £164 plus VAT. After consideration it was agreed to accept the quotation of IRS Limited. Mr. Precey kindly agreed to collect the sign as soon as it was ready. It was also agreed that when the new sign is erected it should be approximately 6-8ft further forward making it more visible.

Bus Shelter

The Chairman reported to the meeting that the company whose quotation had been accepted for the works to the Bus Shelter Roof, had informed the Clerk that when they arrived to start the work it was a bigger project than they had realised. The Clerk therefore obtained further quotations, Ron Challis £540.50 including VAT, Pro-Line £750 and Cambridgeshire Tile and Slate Company £2991. It was unanimously agreed that the quotation of Ron Challis be accepted.

Co-option of Councillors

Four letters had been received applying for the position of Parish Councillor, they were from Mr. D Summers, Lord Guy de Montfort, Miss S Weedon and Mr. S Palmer. The Councillors left the room to consider the applications. The two persons to be adopted will be Miss S Weedon and Mr. D Summers.

6. Planning:

Outline application for construction of 3 dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling at Sandralan Lynn Road Approved by Parish

Outline application for construction of dwelling at P R Stockinger Transport Ltd Boughton Road Approved by Parish

Grant of Planning Permission - Conservatory extension to rear of Manor Farm Wretton Road Grant of Planning Permission - Provide nine new dwellings and conservation of three existing buildings to provide a total of thirteen residential units at Geoff Allen Timber Merchants Bridge Road

Grant of Planning Permission - Conversion of existing chapel to dwelling The Methodist Chapel Furlong Drove

7. Payments for Approval:

Audit Commission - £141.00 - Audit to 31/3/05

James Bradfield School - £23.20 - Hire of Room - October and November 2005, £11.60 Hire of Room - January 2006 and £11.60 Hire of Room February 2006.

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance January/February

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance February/March

Mrs C Hardy - £325.00 - 1/4 Salary to end February

Mrs C Hardy - £18.21 - 1/4 expenses to end February

Mr M Mycock proposed approval for payment seconded by Mrs T Mann

8. Correspondence:

Stoke Ferry Playing Field Committee - thanking the Parish for their cheque to cover Public Liability Insurance

West Norfolk Citizens Advice Bureau - requesting a donation from the Parish - no donation to be sent.

W Emerson & Son - request for additional inscription on Azel James English Memorial - approved.

BCKL&WN - Parish Council Web Site if interested the County are able to provide training and assist in setting up site - decided not to take this up at present.

Stoke Ferry Residents Association - Request to close the High Street to through traffic on Sunday 17 September 2006 to enable a farmers market to be held. The Parish had no objections provided that all residents are informed of this and a request made to the Borough Council asking for this closure.

9. Councillors Other Business:

a) Mr Ferrie had received a complaint about a motorised vehicle(s) travelling up and down behind the bungalows in Buckenham Drive, churning up the grass. This area is the back entrance to these bungalows not a thoroughfare. Also constant noise of car(s) being revved up all day. It was agreed this matter should be reported to the police.

b) Caravans - it was agreed the Clerk should write to Borough again to enquire what is the current situation regarding various caravans.

10. Public Other Business

a) A query was made as to where cars would be parked whilst the farmers market etc was taking place and High Street closed. Favor Parker have agreed that they may park in their lorry depot in Furlong Road.

b) Was planning permission required for the narrow boats etc moored on the river along Bridge Road, apparently they only require a River Licence.

c) The mobile police station has been visited by a few people. It was pointed out that residents should be more vigilant and report problems and vandalism to the police. The more reports they receive the higher the profile of Stoke Ferry.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm

Next Meeting:

It was agreed the next meeting would be on Wednesday 29 March 2006 commencing at 7.30pm.

A date was also set for the Annual Meeting of the Council and the Parish Meeting - this would be on Wednesday 10 May 2006 commencing at 7.30pm

Parish Clerk

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