Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

News from Boughton

April 2006

This months update from Boughton, where the roads are being torn up to install a Sewerage System....

Lunches at Boughton Open Gardens, Sunday 11 June 2006

Mark of Manor Farm House on The Green has kindly offered the use of his garden for serving ploughman's lunches between 12 and 2 on Open Gardens day This will make a beautiful setting in which to have lunch and there is the added bonus of a covered area being available if the weather is cold or wet.

This is the first year that lunches have been served. We will be having a planning meeting at Hope House on Thursday 20th April at 7.45pm. If you would like to help we would be delighted to see you.

For more details ring Susan on 502193 or Mark on 501051

Family Service at Boughton

This service has reverted to the first Sunday of the month, at 10.30 am, and will now be taken by Ann Clark of Beachamwell. The first service, on March 5th, was very successful, and attended by nearly 20 adults and children - plus one dog! The theme was Noah and the ark, and the promise of the rainbow, and the children took away pictures to colour for next time.

We would like to thank Pippa Blackall for all she has done for the Family Services at Boughton over the years, and to hope she enjoys a bit more leisure now.

Interment of ashes

At the last meeting of the Parochial Church Council it was agreed to seek permission to designate a small area of the churchyard for the interment of ashes. Plans and possible sites are being investigated, and will be forwarded to the Diocese of Ely when finalised. This is an open churchyard, and as cremation is increasingly popular, there may be people who would wish to have their ashes interred in the churchyard in Boughton.

Dog fouling

Some evidence of dog fouling is again visible around the village. The area near the noticeboard, and along Church Lane have been troubled by this mess, and people seem to be forgetting that it is an offence which carries a fine. It may be that the offenders are visitors to the village, but it gives all dog-owners a bad name. Please clear up after your dog, and dispose of the mess responsibly. There are bins, and in Church Lane the church bin can be used.

Co-ordinated by Pam Wakeling

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