Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Council Minutes

June 2006

Stoke also elect their officers for the coming year.


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 May 2006

1. Those Attending: Mr M Ferrie (Chairman), Mrs T Man, Mr D Summers, County Councillor T White, Mrs M Leamon, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) 16 members of the public.

2. Apologies: Were received from Councillor T Manley, Mr M Precey, Mr J Preston, Mr M Mycock and PC Jackson

3. Declaration of Interest Mrs T Mann in respect of Planning Application for The Shop Lynn Road

4. Election of Officers

Chairman - Mrs Mann proposed Mr Ferrie seconded by Mrs Leamon. There being no further nominations the proposal was carried.

Vice-Chairman - Mr Ferrie proposed Mrs Mann seconded by Mrs Leamon. There being no further nominations the proposal was carried.

5. Minutes of the last Meeting: Mr Summers proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Mrs Mann.

6. Matters Arising:

a) Bus Shelter - Repairs now completed, since the resiting of the rubbish bin vandalism seems to have decreased in this area.

b) Great Mans Way - The Countryside Access Development Officer has now erected a new sign, also a map showing the route of the footpath will be displayed for a short time.

c) The All Motorised Vehicles Prohibited sign for the Common has now been put in place. Councillors thanked Mr Precey for collecting and installing the sign.

d) Caravans: Meadow View Bridge Road - Certificate of Lawful use Application refused.

Cherry Tree Farm Bridge Road - being reviewed

Littlemans Way - Planning application refused and appealed

Oxborough Road - Inspection undertaken, various issues involved and being investigated.

Borough Planning had also received complaints regarding use of boats as dwellings on south side of River Wissey between bridges, also construction of moorings without permission. Ongoing investigations.

e) Village Liaison Meeting - A response had been received from Dr Rees of West Norfolk Primary Care Trust advising that because of the volume of applications and specialist knowledge required, a decision had been made not to respond to them. It was agreed that the Clerk write to Environmental Health to try and ascertain who a new statutory adviser would be now that the Primary Health Trust has refused to answer enquiries because of the specialist knowledge required.

f) Bridge Road - Response from Highways this is on the list of projects to be carried out. County Councillor White will raise this with them. Also the question of wheel chair access on footpaths in the village.

g) Disabled Bus Stops - after considerable debate a decision was made to agree with the NCC position in High Street for the DDA bus stop.

h) Parking at Village Hall - since the last meeting a barrier has been placed across the area of land which had been used for some parking. Visitors to the Hall can park on The Hill, with disabled passengers being dropped off at the door first. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the owners of the land asking if the barrier could be moved further back until such time as any work commences on the site.

7. Village Plan

The Chairman reminded the meeting of the date for the Stoke Ferry Village Plan Meeting on Wednesday 24 May at 7.15 for 7.30pm when Janice Howell of Norfolk Rural Community Council will give a presentation explaining exactly what is involved in creating a village plan, also to set up a Steering Committee. The Clerk to enquire if a sign can be placed on the roadside leading into the village.

8. Review of Rent - Plot of Land at Cemetery

The first review of the rent charged in respect of the small plot of land in the Cemetery is due. After consideration it was agreed that no increase be made. The next review would be in five years time.

9. Planning:

Refusal of Certificate of Lawful Use or Development - Use of land as garden at Meadow View Bridge Road

Outline Application - construction of 3 dwellings following demolition of existing garage at Sandralan Lynn Road - approved by Parish

Construction of 3 detached bungalows at land South West of Cullens Cottage and Kelwood Boughton Road - refused by Parish

Grant of Outline Planning Permission - construction of dwelling at PR Stockinger Transport Ltd Boughton Road

Withdrawal of Planning Application - Erection of Shop and flat above at Lynn Road

Outline Application - construction of dwelling at 25 Bradfield Place - approved by Parish

Construction of 2 shops and two first floor flats following demolition of existing shop at The Shop Lynn Road - approved by Parish

Mrs Mann left the room - concern was raised regarding the loss of the lay-by as shown on the plans for the shops in Lynn Road, this loss would result in more parking in Lynn Road. Mrs Mann returned to the meeting.

10. Payments for Approval:

Norfolk County Association of Parish & Town Councils - £161.44 - Annual Subscription

Mr M Precey - £8.75 - Expenses relating to sign for the Common

Allianz & Cornhill - £592.11 - Annual Insurance Premium

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance April/May

James Bradfield School - £23.80 Hire of Room - 10 May 2006 (24 May Village Plan Meeting)

Mrs T Mann proposed approval for payment seconded by Mrs M Leamon

11 Correspondence:

W Emerson & Son - Request for new Inscribed Memorial for Ernest Fred Manning - approved

Defra - Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005 allowing Parish Councils to issue fixed penalty notices for littering, graffiti and fly posting together with dog control orders. The Guide to go round in diplomatic bag

NCC Cultural Services Department - Improved Timetable for Mobile Library - List on Notice Board

Hanna Marsters, Borough Council will offer £500 towards printing and graphics costs for Village Plan

Defra and NRCC - cheque for grant towards Parish Plan

NCC Planning and Transportation Dept - Bus Stop improvements commencing this month

12. Councillors Other Business:

a) Mr Ferrie referred to a query from Mrs Bond, Funeral Director as to whether the cost of re-opening a grave should be at a cheaper rate. It was agreed that there should not be any differential.

b) Mr Ferrie brought to the attention of the meeting the state of the fence upon which the parish notice board is fixed, which was damaged when the notice board was vandalised last year. A letter was sent to the letting agents for the property concerned asking if they could repair the fence, they did not feel inclined to do so. A short discussion followed as to where would be a suitable place to site a parish notice board, some suggestions were near the Post Office, the wall of the Church Yard, by the village sign. The Clerk to investigate. It was also agreed that the Clerk should obtain quotations for a new notice board.

c) Mr Ferrie raised the questions of training for Councillors, it was felt that this should be considered following the elections next year.

d) Mrs Mann raised the question of the high kerbs in Buckenham Drive which Highways have on their list of projects. County Councillor White will raise this with Highways.

e) Mr Summers raised the question of Public Liability Insurance for the forthcoming Summer Fair in September. It was suggested that Public Liability Insurance can be obtained for one day or 8 events a year. NCC representative is to phone the Clerk to discuss what exactly they require, the matter will then be discussed at next meeting.

f) Mrs Leamon asked how far can vehicles travel on the Common before parking, it was considered only as far as the No Motorised Vehicles sign.

g) Mrs Leamon pointed out the footpath between Wretton Road and Buckenham Drive is overgrown with weeds. The Clerk to contact Borough.

13. Public Other Business

a) The width of footpaths, particularly from Bridge Road to the centre of the village are not wide enough for disabled persons in wheelchairs - Highways are investigating the matter - County Councillor White will raise with them at meeting.

b) The Common is being churned up again - two youngsters on mini motorbikes seen there, no notice being taken of the sign. Police will be informed.

c) The Common - rubbish is not being collected from the rubbish bins, the general public are picking this up and taking it home. The Clerk to contact the Borough to enquire why these bins are not being emptied.

d) Nuisance being caused by cars in Buckenham Drive revving up the engines for hours at a time. Environmental Health should be contacted. The Clerk to inform Councillor Manley of the problem.

e) Burning of old tyres at the back of houses in Buckenham Drive - should be reported when seen.

f) Parking at village hall - see previous minute

g) Who decides on names for new roads. County Councillor White thought it was between the postal services and the developer. The Clerk to ask Borough Planning who decides.

h) What are the regulations regarding air guns, should they be licensed. Any problems regarding guns should be reported to the police.

i) A query was made as to how the Cemetery would look when the current areas are full, if it could be made to look more attractive than at present, particularly the garden of remembrance. As there are still quite a few plots remaining the newly consecrated and unconsecrated area will be marked out nearer the time it is required.

j) It was felt that the public only looked at the backs of Councillors and could not hear what they were saying, could the seating be altered to accommodate this. It was agreed to look into this for the next meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm

14. Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 21 June 2006 commencing at 7.30pm.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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