The Wereham Page
June 2006
Sue looks at the successful festival of Flowers and looks forward to the Annial Wereham festival in July
Celebration of Art and Flowers
The Celebration weekend (5th to 7th May), was a huge success. After expenses, we made a profit of £463.15, which will go to the Restoration Fund at St. Margaret's.
The colourful children's section in the right hand side of the church was a real hit! Jane, Pammie and Stina wish to thank all the young artists, whose ages range from two years to eighteen years (and of course their supportive parents and grandparents!) who responded so brilliantly in coming up with such wonderful ARTWORK for the right side of St. Margaret's Church Celebration of Art and Flowers. We were amazed by the variety of expression and the vitality of your contributions. You have given great pleasure to many people by taking part - very well done!
The adult section was spectacular too! The flowers and artwork complemented each other beautifully. Many thanks to all who exhibited and allowed us to enjoy their work. Also, a big 'thank you' to all our helpers: - people on the door, those who assisted in hanging up and setting out work, the delightful organ playing, all who stayed to welcome and chat to our many visitors, and those who swept up after folk had gone home.
Wereham Gardens Open Day
We look forward to welcoming visitors to our Gardens Open afternoon on 18th June between 1:45 and 5:00 pm. Tickets and programmes will be on sale at the church. This year, we will be providing ploughman's lunches in the village hall from 12:30 pm. Teas with home baked cakes will be served in the hall from 2:15 pm onwards. A range of plants will be available for sale.
Detailed information about this year's Festival Day (16th July) will be given in the July edition. As usual we welcome prize donations for the raffle, tombola and hoop-la stalls. The Children's Tombola will be taking place again and although we already have plenty of small toys and games, we would welcome additional large soft toys. If you are doing any late 'Spring Cleaning' or tidying the toy cupboard, please put aside any unwanted large soft toys for this popular stall. These can be left with Sheila at 'Russets', Back Lane.
We plan to have our usual range of stalls and attractions, plus a few new ones. There will be something for every age group - we are hoping to include some children's races this year - more on this next month.
A display on the theme of 'Village History' is planned for the church. If you have any items of interest, including old photographs of Wereham, please contact Ivy on 01366 501108.
We will also be introducing a new competition - The 'Wereham Turnip Prize.' Here the emphasis will be on wit, word-play and creative thinking rather than artistic talent! This is Wereham's answer to the controversial 'Turner Prize'. Again, see next month's edition for further information.
Sue Smith