Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham PC Annual meeting Minutes

June 2006

Wereham perform their annual duties of electing a new Chairman and Vice Chairman.

Minutes of the Annual Wereham Parish Council Meeting held following the Annual Parish Meeting on 9th May 2006

1. Present: R. Lankfer, G. Gott, P. Markwell, C. Humphries, G. Clere together with J. Eastgate.

2. Apologies: Mrs. E. Willis, D. Pickston.

3. Election of Chairman: The Clerk asked for nominations for Chairman - R. Lankfer was proposed by G. Clere and seconded by G. Gott - there were no other nominations and R. Lankfer was unanimously elected as Chairman.

4. Election of Vice-Chairman: The Chairman asked for nominations and G. Gott was proposed by G. Clere and seconded by C. Humphries - unanimously elected.

5. Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2006 were proposed as correct by G. Clere and seconded by P. Markwell and duly signed.

6. Matters Arising: G. Clere needs to borrow a petrol chain saw to enable him to carry out the work in the Play equipment area. The grass area at the junction of Church Road / A134 near the Nags Head needs regular cutting, the Flashing 40m.p.h. Sign appears not to work until a vehicle is travelling at 50m.p.h., the 30 m.p.h. Sign is Cavenham Road is still obscured by The Paddocks hedge - clerk to contact the relevant Authorities regarding these matters. G. Clere asked that a definite commitment be made regarding money towards the cost of the Gas Installation at the Village Hall - agreed.

7. Planning: None

8. Payments: Cemetery Rates £36.21: Cornhill Insurance £755.50: Pearce & Kemp £195.07: Village Hall Committee £36.00: N.C.A of P & T Councils £118.52 - proposed by G. Gott and seconded by C. Humphries pass for payment.

9. Adoption of Accounts: It was proposed by G. Clere and seconded by P. Markwell that the Accounts be adopted as presented.

10. R.F.O. It was unanimously agreed that the clerk be the Responsible Financial Officer.

11. Review of Burial Fees: After a short discussion it was agreed that all fees be increased by £5.00

12. Payment of Electricity Account: It was agreed to continue as at present - i.e. by direct debit.

13. Correspondence: N.C.C. Bus Stop work is to commence on 8th May 2006: Norfolk Link: Mobile Library Time Table: N.R.C.C. Signpost: W.N.B.C. Planning Consultation information - all noted.

14. Any Other Business: Serious consideration is to be given and investigation into costs is to be explored regarding moving the Goal Post in the Playing Field further away from the houses. A barrel of chip oil has been dumped on the verge on the east side of Cavenham Road - clerk to notify the Borough Council.

The meeting closed at 8.15p.m.

Parish Clerk

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