War Memorial Gary Trouton

Wretton PC Minutes from March

June 2006

A delayed report on the Wretton March meeting of the Parish Council


Present: Cllr D Llewellyn - Chairman,

Cllr M Peake, Cllr N Pilgrim, Cllr S Briston, Cllr I Mack, Cllr B Glover 0 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence:

Cllr L Peake

Cllr T Manley (Borough Councillor)

2. Declaration of Interest:

None stated

3. Approval of Minutes:

The minutes for the meeting held on Wednesday 11th January 2006,

were approved.

An amendment to item 3 was requested and the word council was deleted.

4. Matters Arising:

* An e-mail received from Mark Potter, Monitoring & Control Officer, Minerals and Waste Planning, NCC relating to Stoke Ferry landfill was read out by the Chairman. The site is inspected regularly and currently the whole site is being regraded to create a satisfactory landform. In time the degradation of the waste will lower the landform. No further waste is to be brought on to the site and capping with clay will commence. As well as inspections by NCC the Environment agency inspects the site to ensure compliance of the Waste Management Licence.

Queries were raised as to whether the site is in the parish of Wretton or not. The parish boundary is just south of the site and therefore the location is in Stoke Ferry parish. It was felt there is a general public interest in the site regarding possible pollution and contamination of the area therefore Wretton Parish Council should be aware of and comment on related issues. The clerk will contact the clerk of Stoke Ferry Parish Council to discuss this issue, and enquiries will be made about the final contours of the site.

* Discussion took place regarding the Wretton Sewerage Scheme and it was decided to look up the plans and past correspondence for this and put the matter on the agenda for the next meeting for further consideration. It was asked whether the review procedure conducted by Anglian Water contained consideration of air pollution as offensive smells have been reported in Low Road. It appears the initial scheme was altered as so few people signed up for connection: therefore the Wretton scheme has been connected to that in Wereham and injection equipment has been installed. Concern was raised as to whether correct planning permission procedures were followed and whether hedges near the pumping station should have been removed.

Councillors were asked to monitor the date and time of any offensive smells and it was suggested this matter should be an agenda item for the Parish Annual meeting.

* It was reported that Wretton Church has been awarded a grant of £60000.

* A copy of the handbook for Norfolk Town and Parish Councils was given to each councillor.

5. Chairman's Report:

The Chairman had nothing further to report as all items were covered on the agenda.

Clerk's Report:

* The clerk had nothing further to report other then she would be meeting with the Highway Technician for the area on 09/03/06 and would be following up enquires already made regarding the signs wanted for Wretton. The position of the signs was marked on a map to be given to the Highway Technician. Signs are to be requested on the parish boundary as Wretton is entered from Stoke Ferry and from West Dereham.

6. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment.

Proposed by Cllr. I Mack, seconded by Cllr. M Peake and agreed by all.

Cheques for approval of payment

E.ON Energy - street light electricity (05/06) £208.51

Clerk's wages/expenses (Jan, Feb) £112.10

Inland Revenue (Feb, March, April) £46.35

NRCC Membership £25.00

Audit Commission £58.75

Hire of School (Nov, Jan, March) £34.80


Community Account balance £684.40

Business Reserve Account £9846.35

Business Premium Account £1631.35

7. Correspondence:

1. Parish Council Consultation Documents - copy sent to Councillors

2. Draft Statement of Community Involvement

3. NCC Norfolk Bus Changes

4. Village Sports Co-ordinators/West Norfolk Directory of Sport

5. Norfolk Link

6. BCKLWN Budget 2005/10 & Council Tax Resolution 2006/7

7. Funding Opportunities Jan/Feb

8. Parish Council Web Site

9. Borough Council Standards Committee - Appointment of Members

10. Norfolk Parish Training Partnership

11. Land Management Information Service

12. NRCC - 20TH Anniversary

Notice of planning decision:

Permission granted for construction of new vehicular access at Plot 2, Church Farm, Low Road, Wretton.

8. Planning:



Ref. No: 06/00271/F

Location: Wretton House, Low Road, Wretton

Details: Extension and alteration to dwelling

Recommended refusal

Approval Recommended

(Comment made from one councillor that the BCKLWN planners do not appear very consistent with their objections.)

9. Village Green and Sign:

* Neither the clerk or Cllr M Peake have received any reply from the person at BCKLWN dealing with the transfer of the village Green to the Parish Council, although both have tried to reach him on several occasions. The current transfer of Council houses being undertaken is said to be holding up anything else being dealt with and it was noted the Borough Council has been criticised recently for an apparent fall in standards. Cllr. M Peake has requested that the matter is handed over to someone else at the Borough Council to deal with it. The Parish Council decided to wait one week to see if any response was made by the Borough Council and if not it was felt the press should be contacted to report this poor service.

* The matter of goal posts being erected on the Green was discussed and it was felt issues exist regarding residents who may not want the intrusion of balls in their garden and the consequence of the grass being destroyed around the goals. Residents who live near the Green have been consulted about this proposal and it is apparent different people have varying views about what an amenity area should consist of. It was felt the goal posts need to be sited in the correct place which was decided as being at the back of the Green opposite the gate into the Play Area. The subject is to be an agenda item for the Parish Annual Meeting.

* Another suggested agenda item for the Annual Parish Meeting was to ask whether any interest exists for the formation of a Youth Club in Wretton.

10. To consider new signs for Wretton:

The clerk will discuss this matter with the Highway Technician.

Other Highways issues were also raised:

* Verges in the parish are being eroded by large vehicles.

* Vehicles are speeding through Wretton.

* There are no weight restriction signs in places where there ought to be and areas of the village that do not have weight restrictions at present perhaps ought to have.

* Road name signs are missing at some locations in the parish.

12. Further Reports:

12.1 It was noted that The Parish Annual Meeting will be held on June 7th.

12.2 It was noted that the next Parish Council meeting on May 10th will also be the Annual Parish Council meeting.

12.3 Three street lights were reported as not working - one by Sunnyside, one at the Corner of Church Farm and one at the crossroads.

12.4 It was felt tree branches in Fen Drove need to be trimmed. As the trees are not on Parish Council land it was felt the Parish Council could do little about this.

Meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Parish Clerk

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