"Runnin' On"
October 2006
Janet looks at the current craze for BOGOF (Buy one get one free)
I wonder how many people slaves to the Supermarkets' money are making schemes of offers we can't refuse, such as get twelve pay for nine, or the not very nice title of BOG OF, "buy one get one free".
Very few of us nowadays even living in villages as we do, cannot get to the shops whenever we want, and the large stores are now open longer than ever, so what is the point of virtually buying in bulk. How many times have you thought "I'll try that but I only want one" but succumb to bogof and when you try the first item and don't like it throw the second away, or put it in the freezer and forget it for six months only to discover that its now out of date and in the bin it goes!
I suppose items that don't date are a good buy if you have the space to store them, I know of a friend who has stock at the side of every stair tread and the loft ladder is in continual use. I hate to think what some of the sell by dates are.
I had a look at our stock and counted ninety six toilet rolls, seven packs of Allbran, five of Shredded wheat, eight tins of baked beans, and we buy skimmed milk in two x six packs which must always be replaced when we open the first of a new six. This is just in case we are snowed in for the next five months. I should think that in our state and age, the toilet rolls will "see us out".
Now here's a thought, it's only about eighty days to Christmas so do you think the supermarkets might do a buy one get one free on Christmas trees, or get three for two on puddings, or what about two turkeys. Just think, you could have turkey sandwiches until the middle of January!
I do think it saves us a bit of money, but has anyone noticed how the food costs are creeping ahead every time you go into the store, but they still insist on telling us that the cost of living is not rising.
Janet Tilburn