War Memorial Gary Trouton


October 2006

The final meeting before the Festival

Meeting held on 21 August 2006

1. Welcome: the Chairman (Joyce Hull) welcomed those present: Daphne Clements, Carol Hunter, John Preston, Ellen Spain, Debroy Summers, Ray Thompson, Helaine Wyett (Secretary)

2. Apologies: none.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting (7/8/06) agreed as a correct record (proposed RT, seconded DC).

4. Finance report

The letter from WN&KLBC granting £1000 was circulated. A letter to be sent to Norfolk Rural Community Council to indicate acceptance of the grant of £1420, noting agreement to provide evidence of matched funding. JP reported that the Wissey Valley Arts group had offered to underwrite the outstanding £420 for the matched funding: an email accepting this to be sent. Grampian were being approached for funding and JH offered to contact Louise Randall re. the amount retained by the former Harvest Fayre committee which, it had been agreed, should be available for the Festival. Still awaiting news of Awards for All bid. Cheques for stalls were beginning to arrive.

Expenses: DS requested £280 for signage and £30 coconut shy hire.

DS to approach Tescos for donation of coconuts and Big K for loan of pallets required for staging. It was agreed that a bran tub be used for source of children's prizes, donations of which were requested and supplied to DS who would also source suitable tub and sawdust.

JH reported £1127.56 in cheque account, £89.57 held in cash. It was agreed that DS be added as a signatory to cheques.

4. Matters Arising

* Saturday events:

o Car boot - advertised in the Village Pump, posters to go out in due course. A snack van to be on the field. JH still to contact Headteacher re. waiving of £60 hire fee, especially in consideration of art workshops being organised for school children.

o Art workshop drop-in session - in the marquee in the churchyard, 11-5pm, open to all villagers. CH circulated details of all art workshops during the week. It was agreed DC should ask for Village Hall for Wednesday evening session. The session scheduled for Friday evening in the Community Centre required booking + request for fee waiver (JH).

o It was noted that the football tournament would not be taking place.

* Sunday events:

o HW agreed to ask permission from the Heskey-Harveys for use of their field for parking for Saturday night event.

o ES agreed to contact Barry at WN&KLBC Recycling Dept re. bins

o JH to investigate supply/loan of fire extinguishers for church events. Noted need for 2 lit exit signs.

o It was noted that a Fire Officer needed to be designated.

o JP to meet with Theo Bailey re electricity supply.

o Portaloo toilets - in budget.

o Roger Warner has offered to do large poster advertising: agreed this to be simply 'Festival Week - Stoke Ferry' + dates.

o JP reported that banners for the SFRA/Village Plan stall have been made. RT agreed to investigate supply of small labels. Leaflets advertising Wissey Valley Arts to be held on stall.

o Exhibition of old photos/postcards now to be in the church, for the duration of the week-long Festival.

o JP circulated flyers for the Saturday evening event featuring Leva Lovich, Wreckless Eric, etc. It was noted that the increased charge for bookings via the Internet was due to use of Paypal system. Concessions = Senior Citizens, students, unemployed.

It was agreed that formal invitations to attend the Festival be sent to Mrs Clary and family and to Lionel Hall of Grampian Foods.

It was agreed that the Wissey Valley Arts group be thanked formally for their input.

It was agreed that JP/CH should supply a list of activities for which they needed help.

6. Any Other Business

o It was agreed that pre-purchase of tickets should be available for the hog roast: RT/JH to organise.

o It was agreed that DS request permission from the Parish Council for display for posters prior to the Festival.

7. Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 27 September, 7.30pm, Andromeda Lodge.

Sub-committee meetings: 29/8 and 6/9 at DC's.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.


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