St Andrew's Newsletter
November 2006
St Andrew's monthly newsletter
(also St. Mary's, Denver; St. Mary the Virgin, Bexwell and St. Michael's, Ryston)
Vicar: The Rev'd Judith Grundy
The Rectory, Ryston Road, Denver
Tel 383226
A Letter from the Rectory
Dear Friends,
I heard a joke recently, which I think will ring true for quite a few people:
"Do you feel under pressure, with too much to do?
Don't worry, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
It's someone with a torch, bringing more work!"
Perhaps you have been watching Breakfast News recently, or ITV's "This Morning" programme. They've been talking about whether we should be "pushy parents" and make our children and grand-children join lots of clubs and organised activities - or just let them play in the garden. The pressures of modern life seem to apply, whatever age we are.
I heard my eldest son say to his youngest, 13 yr old brother, "Enjoy this year at school. It's the last time you'll be free of exams or worry until you retire.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and, little does he know, there's plenty to worry about when you retire, too.
It's not all bad, but it's all busy and I think, too busy. I agree with the couplet from poem:
"What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?"
We do all seem so busy, rushing on to the next thing that we never think about the point of it all - what's life for? What's it all about, anyway?
We've had a wonderfully happy, and, yes, busy year at St Andrew's Church, culminating in some most enjoyable musical evenings and the Medieval Banquet, not to mention the Flower Festival on the theme of "Memories" to which some of you contributed.
But as I walk into the centuries-old peace of your church building, or stand in it's doorway, looking out over the village in this lovely "season of mists and mellow fruitfulness", I know there is more to life than all this busy-ess:There is a peace which we are all looking for - the "peace which passes all understanding" - "the peace of God" - may you find it.
With best wishes,
Judith Grundy, (Rector)
Led by Rev.d Judith Grundy Preacher - Lesley Pearce
(coffee / tea at the end of the service)
6.30pm - Evensong at St Mary the Virgin, Bexwell.
Leader and preacher: Mary Hurst
SUNDAY, 12th :10.50am Service of Remembrance
(starting at the War Memorial in the church yard)
Conducted by Stan Atkinson
8pm at St Mary's, Bexwell, COMPLINE, led by Mary Hurst
Communion by Extension, Judith, assist by Mary Hurst
SUNDAY 19th: 9.30am - Holy Communion:
Celebrant - The Rev'd Judith Grundy: Preacher Mary Hurst
SUNDAY 26th :6.30pm Joint Christingle service at Denver
Led by Mary Hurst: Preacher the Rev'd Judith Grundy
(No service at St Andrew's West Dereham today)
Mrs Maureen Elmer 25, Bradfield Place, Stoke Ferry 01366 - 501147
Mrs Christine Vincent, Aspen, Ryston Road, W. Dereham 01366 - 500283
N.B. A church key may also be obtained from Mrs Claire Cann at "The Old Rectory", West Dereham (the house nearest the west end of the church-yard)
INTERCESSIONS: Please let one of our churchwardens know (see tel nos. above) if you, or anyone you know, needs prayer, for sickness, or any other personal or family problem (in absolute confidence: No details are made public unless you wish it). We will gladly add any names to our weekly intercession list.) We believe that God hears and answers prayers, according to His plan and purpose for your life.
Our church architect, Shona McKay had visited recently, to meet several of the prospective building and scaffolding firms who wish to quote for the repairs which will begin in the new year, as soon as the funding is confirmed. She has also inspected the church-building generally for the five-yearly report which helps us to assess priorities for future action.
During her visit, Shona was assisted by Dick Elmer, who has taken St Andrew's under his energetic wing, and has, over the last six months or so taken advantage of every good day, to slash, cut, clear and burn every bush, bramble nettle or weed that dared raise it's head in defiance of his dastardly attacks.
If you have driven past recently, you will have noticed how St. Andrew's stands out, clearly defined on its hill, now that most of the bushes have gone.
Only those at the West end of the churchyard remain to be tackled: Dick is leaving some cover for the birds but disposing of all the rubbish around them. The process has rescued many historic gravestones from oblivion in the massive briar patches, and these will, in due time, be catalogued by our enthusiastic local history group.
Shona and Dick took a good look at the church-yard improvements, and she was able to suggest other necessary measures which will improve drainage and the stability of the masonry.
What a great bloke! Well done, Dick, and thanks.
You have set an amazing example of what cheerful determination can do!
Well, we're nearly there: Our treasurer, Peter Thirlwell would be really delighted to hear from anyone who feels that they could donate an amount, large or small to help achieve that final total of 30k, which will unlock the Heritage grant of 75k.
Mid-December is the deadline, and we are just about £3000 away. Historic St Andrew's needs whatever you can spare, in this final push towards the total.
Do what you can, please.
Chris Young