Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Annual meeting

June 2007

Report on the 2007 Annual Parish Council meeting


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 9 May 2007

Those Attending: Mr M Ferrie, Mrs T Mann, Mr M Precey, Mr D Summers, Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Mr M Mycock, Mrs R Mendoza, Mr J Nicholas-Letch, Mrs M Leamon, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 14 members of the public.

Apologies: Were received from PC Jackson

Acceptance of Office:

All members duly signed the Acceptance of Office.

Election of Chairman

Nominations were asked for the position of Chairman - Mr Ferrie was nominated by Mr Precey seconded by Mrs Leamon, there were no further nominations, Mr Ferry accepted and took the Chair.

Election of Vice Chairman

Nominations were asked for the post of Vice Chairman - Mrs Mann was nominated by Mrs Leamon seconded by Mr Precey, there were no further nominations, Mrs Mann accepted.

The Chairman welcomed a new councillor Mr John Nicholas-Letch to the meeting.

Code of Conduct

A Revised Code of Conduct has been issued. The Parish Council agreed to adopt the Model Code of Conduct for Members including paragraph 12(2) effective immediately.

Minutes of Last Meeting: Item (m) Mrs Mann pointed out that she voted against the closure of the footpath. Date of Annual Parish Meeting - to be deleted - this was changed to this evening. Following these amendments Mrs Mann proposed acceptance of the Minutes seconded by Mrs Mendoza.

Matters Arising:

a) The Common - collection of rubbish - The new bin is now in place, it was reported it had not been emptied - this to be monitored over the next few weeks.

b) The Hill ownership - Mr Nicholas-Letch had carried out some investigations, the village was a market town also there was a Charter in existence given by a previous King. It was agreed that further research should be carried out reporting back to a future meeting.

c) High Street Barriers - although promised by the end of April they are still not in place. The Chairman said he would speak to Highways.

d) Post Boxes - nothing definite at the moment, Royal Mail may possibly move a less used box to a more suitable position, in consultation with the Parish.

e) Great Mans Way - this area is to be monitored regularly to ensure that members of the public have continuous access to this footpath. It was reported that the "Public Footpath" signs had been removed.

f) Dirt track from School Lane towards Wretton - no response received - will continue to monitor the area.

g) Furlong Road - potholes near A134 junction - road has been marked ready for works to be carried out.

h) Cemetery Seats - Mr Summers reported that there is still one seat to be refurbished. It was agreed that quotations should be obtained for the permanent fixing of the seats. Suitable positions to be agreed in consultation with Mr Nicholas-Letch and Mr Mycock. Allowance to be made for a hearse to drive along the road to the new section of the cemetery. Quotes to be obtained from CGM and Bonnetts.

m) The report in the Lynn News in respect of the possible closure of a footpath was completely out of context. The Clerk to write to Lynn News reminding them that the minutes sent to them are only a Draft copy which have not been accepted by the council.

n) Bottle Banks - see item on Agenda.

o) Broken Drain Cover - Boughton Road/Lynn Road - Highways reported this to Anglian Water as it was their responsibility.

p) Speeding Vehicles in Bridge Road and High Street - still a problem, the Clerk had mentioned it to the Police when they visited the village in April. Report to PC Jackson asking for action.

q) Street Lighting - a response had been received from NCC Street Lighting Manager stating that they use low energy consuming lighting designed specifically for each installation, the wattages are matched to a lighting standard BS5489. All new lighting is low light polluting with little light trespass and night-glow as a result.

r) Vandalised Street Signs - the person dealing with replacement street signs is currently on holiday - to be chased up

s) Weight Limits through Village - no response received from Planning and Transportation - to be chased up.

t) Kerbs Buckenham Drive - this work is scheduled to commence January 2008

u) Grampian Lorries in Buckenham Drive - Grampians are to erect a sign on the exit gates stating Left Turn Only.


Grant of Planning Permission - Construction of dwelling following demolition of barn to the rear of Osbourne House High Street

Application for construction of dwelling at Haulage Yard Boughton Road - approved by the Parish

Application for Restoration and improvements to inside and outside of All Saints House, High Street (received after publication of the Agenda)

Bottle Bank:

Following the request for a Bottle Bank, the decision for it to be placed on The Hill, three letters had been received objecting to the siting, one in particular referred to the War Memorial. The Chairman had contacted The War Memorials Trust who informed him that they have no specific objection to the Bottle Bank being placed within the vicinity of the War Memorial. Following considerable discussion it was agreed by a majority vote that the Bottle Bank be placed on The Hill near the curved wall/raised garden.

Village Liaison Meeting:

Mrs Mann gave a verbal report from the last meeting, a few complaints had been received, a request made for the use of Self's Field for the Playing Fields, the Millers Arms was raised, it would either be sold or leased as a licensed premises, which was the preferred option.

School Governor James Bradfield School

Mrs Nicholas-Letch informed the meeting they are short of an LEA Governor, one is not available and they are now able to co-opt. There are five meetings a year on a Monday evening, general running of the school as governing body, look after the finances with the headmaster. Any Governor would have to be Police Checked. Anyone interested to make contact with Mrs Nicholas-Letch.

Accounts for Approval:

Allianz Cornhill - £608.53 - Annual Insurance

NCAP&TC - £161.51 - Annual Subscription

Thomas B Bonnett - £24.17 - Materials for repair of Cemetery Seats

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance April/May

Mr D Summers - £10.00 - Donation towards electricity used

Stoke Ferry Playing Field Association - £500.00 - Donation towards Insurance

Mrs Mann proposed approval for payment seconded by Mrs Leamon


NCC Planning and Transportation Department re closure of footpaths - new powers now available which dismantles some of the obstacles, the new powers should be trialled. There are two pilot sites being monitored at the moment, they cannot take on any more cases until at least 2008. The situation in the village to be monitored also, making contact again later in the year if felt necessary.

NCC - possible changes to local government in Norfolk - Government consultation of Norwich City Unitary.

NAP&TC - two presentations being held by Norwich City Council on 23 May and NCC on 31 May, Mr Nicholas-Letch said he would attend these.

East of England Regional Assembly - Regional Gypsy and Traveller Sites in East Anglia - meetings to be held during May/June. Mrs Leamon may possibly attend one of these.

Downham Market Police Station - Safer Neighbourhoods and Community Action Group - advising new Community Action Group Meeting at Watlington on 5 June. The personnel for this area are PC Tony Lamb and PCSO Stefan Bunting, who were invited to this meeting, PC Lamb is off sick and PCSO Bunting was on rest days.

Councillors Other Business:

Mr Ferrie reminded all councillors to let the Clerk have their expenses sheet for the recent election, even if a NIL return.

He had received an e-mail asking if he knew of the name Spinks in the village. Mr Mycock said there was in Whittington.

Mr Mycock informed the meeting that the seat removed from Bradfield Place/Lynn Road was still in Bonnetts yard. It was agreed to donate it to the Playing Fields. The remaining "ends" are no problem at the moment. They can be used at a later date.

Mr Precey - referred to the lack of grass cutting around the village, weeds growing in the roads and footpaths. The Clerk to chase this up also to ask how frequently the grass cutting takes place. The piece of land on the junction of Border Road and Oak Road has not been cut this year, the Clerk to chase this up also.

Mrs Mendoza referred to the "cats eyes" in the roads either broken or too low, particularly from the Corner Shop to the roundabout and also Lynn Road. The Clerk to refer this to Highways.

She also reported that a parent taking her children down School Lane towards the river were passed by two cars speeding down the lane, when approached about their speed they replied they could go as fast as they liked along there ie 60mph or more. The Clerk to report this to PC Jackson.

Mr Summers referred to the article in The Pump in which a Parish Councillor was referred to. It appears an apology will be printed in the next issue.

Mr Nicholas-Letch referred to the Garden of Remembrance saying quite a bit of work needs to be done to smarten it up. Mr Roy Stevens had agreed to help with this project. This area is almost full, when the new area is marked out the Clerk asked if a plan could be made available.

Public Other Business:

Street Lighting - a light opposite 19 Buckenham Drive is on all day - the Clerk to report this to MHB.

Lark Road still does not have a name sign - there is still a dispute as to who should supply the sign.

Why was the new Borough Councillor not at the meeting - the Clerk informed the meeting that she had not been informed of the successful candidate in time for an invitation to be forwarded.

Cemetery - could a request be made for either a larger wheelie bin or an additional one to cope with the large amount of rubbish there.

The grassed area in Oak Road/Border road is still in dispute as to who is responsible for its maintenance.

Plans - is it possible for a developer to be invited to meetings to explain/discuss their plans. The Chairman did not think this would be possible as there are only 21 days for the circulation of planning applications. A particular point was the request for car parking for the village hall.

The Quarry - blue pipes protruding from the ground could be dangerous. The Clerk to write to the owner of the land.

Footpath Closure - a petition is being prepared against the possible closure of the footpath in Border Road, it was pointed out that if there was no vandalism, which had been endured for five years, then the request would not have been made. The situation will be monitored for the remainder of the year. A couple of volunteers would either put a telephone number in The Pump or to all residents in Oak Road/Border Road in the event of further problems. The Police should also be called.

The Bluebell - people leaving the pub in the early hours of the morning making a lot of noise - what are the regulations regarding the licensing hours - as long as drink is not being "sold" people can leave at any time.

Petrol Tanks near village hall - as reported previously these will be removed when development commences on the site.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 20 June 2007 commencing at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk

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