Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the Annual Wereham Parish Meeting

July 2007

Wereham's Annual Parish meeting Minutes

held on Tuesday 8th May 2007 in

The Village Hall at 7.00 p.m.

1. Present: R. Lankfer, G. Gott, P. Markwell, C. Humphries, G. Clere, Mrs. Bliss and M. Cooper.

2. Apologies: D. Pickston and Mr. J. Eastgate

3. Minutes: It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2006 be signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising: None

5. Chairman's Report: The Chairman confirmed he had nothing of outstanding importance to report.

6. Village Hall Report: In the absence of Mr. Eastgate Mr. Clere presente3d the Annual accounts which are self explanatory. Mr. Clere also confirmed that the grass maintenance Contractors will be handed a key to the Gas Compound to enable grounds / grass maintenance work to be carried out. It was suggested that it may be feasible for the Parish Council and the Village Hall to join together and Insure all necessary items and therefore reduce costs quite dramatically for both parties. The Clerk is to check possibility after the necessary information has been received from the Village Hall Treasurer.

7. Matters Raised by the Public. Concern was expressed about cars parked both sides of the road in Church Road and at the junction with the A 134 at Chestnut House area. The question was asked if posts and / or a fence could be erected on the Playing Field to present vehicles going beyond the Kitchen door of the Village Hall. Another question was asked as to whose responsibility is it to remove from site rubbish removed from the pond by a Parishioner. A suggestion was made that the County Council be asked to place posts on the green area adjacent to the Old Nags Head wall to prevent parking on the grass. It was requested that the area around the pond where the dead tree had been removed be turfed - it was unanimously agreed that this area will regenerate naturally now that it has rained.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.25p.m.

Parish Clerk

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