Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

A letter to the Editor

September 2007

Chris describes the invaluable support of parishoners in maintaining their local church in good repair.


Hilgay Road,

West Dereham,



PE33 9RN


The Editor, "The Village Pump"

Dear Ray,

All Saints' Church, Wretton

It is heartening to see so much care, time and money being used to bring our local churches up to a good state of repair and continuing use for worship, for special services, weddings, funerals, and the many other community events for which they are so well suited.

St Andrew's, West Dereham, has a loyal band who have raised a great deal towards the current repairs on the tower and windows. There will soon be new lights in the nave.

Christchurch, Whittington is making great strides, with new flooring at the back. The font has been moved to the front of the church, where pews have also been removed to create a larger space for concerts: Soon the interior is to be repainted.

The friends of St Margaret's Wereham, and of the church in Boughton (whose nomination I forget) are also making continuous efforts to keep their historic churches in a good state of repair and use.

Wretton has a beautiful church with a number of historic features. It has good spaces which could be used much more by the community, if some of the furniture was re-arranged. The floors have now been repaired, and the roof is soon to receive major attention so that it is wind and weather-tight. Trish and Elaine, the church-wardens, are using every means to inspire the villagers of Wretton to give this historic gem some TLC.

It's not really a good advertisement for the community spirit of Wretton when folk from other parts of the country turn up to a wedding or funeral and look round at crumbling plaster, gloomy paintwork and cobwebs up under the beams. The church could look so much lighter and cared-for.

So much has been done, and is being done: Now it need a concerted effort from the Wretton community to finish the job off

Just imagine what could be done in just a few Saturdays, if 20 or 30 folk, armed with dust-sheets, ladders, a wheelbarrow or two (for the loose plaster), a skip, scrapers, buckets, vacuum-cleaners, brushes and cans of paint turned up. A great deal of community fun can be had, doing things together like this - and I promise, you will gain a great sense of satisfaction and renewed pride of ownership in Wretton's historic church: Your church.

I see Wretton is having 800 year celebrations on the weekend of 8th/9th September: That would be an excellent opportunity for you to put your name on Trish and Elaine's volunteer list.

Come on, Wretton: Show the team spirit!

Best wishes

Chris Young

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