Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council minutes

September 2007

Minutes of the August meeting of the Stoke Ferry Parish Council


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 1 August 2007

1.Those Attending: Mr M Ferrie (Chairman), Mrs T Mann, Mr M Precey, Mr D Summers, Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Mr J Nicholas-Letch, Mrs M Leamon, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 13 members of the public.

2. Apologies: Were received from Mrs R Mendoza, Mr M Mycock, PC Jackson and PCSO S Bunting.

3. Minutes of Last Meeting: Mr Summers proposed that the Minutes be accepted seconded by Mrs Lansdell-Williams.

4. Matters Arising:

a) The Common - rubbish has not been collected for the last two weeks. The Clerk to chase up.

b) The Hill - Mr Nicholas-Letch will report in more detail at the next meeting.

c) Replacement Barriers for junction of High Street/Wretton Road - Highways have advised they will not be replacing these at the current time.

d) Post Boxes - the Clerk informed the meeting that despite many phone calls to Royal Mail requesting the current position, no further information is available at the present time. It was agreed that the Clerk should continue to pursue this matter.

e) Dirt track from School Lane towards Wretton - the Clerk is still waiting for a response from Wretton Parish Council - to be chased up again.

f) Furlong Road - potholes near A134 junction have now been filled.

g) Cemetery Seats - Mr Summers reported that all three seats have now been repaired and returned to the Cemetery

h) Glass Bank - The Chairman has asked the Borough Council if a newer bank could be provided, the one delivered looked rather scruffy. This will be replaced in due course.

i) Broken Drain Cover - Boughton Road/Lynn Road - not sure if this has been repaired - the Chairman asked that this be checked.

j) Speeding Vehicles in Village - this is an ongoing problem. No improvement since last meeting, the Clerk to contact PC Jackson again.

k) Weight Limits through Village - A letter had been received from Highways stating they would not be changing the weight limit at the Bridge. Councillors were not happy with decision and requested that the Clerk make further representations to Highways, sending a copy letter to the Borough Councillor and the local Member of Parliament.

l) Cats Eyes - Nothing further to report at this stage.

m) School Lane Speed Limit - A letter had been received from Highways stating this is not a built up area, therefore it would remain as a derestricted road. BC Sampson agreed to make representations on behalf of the Parish Council also to ask the Member of Parliament for his help in getting a 30mph speed limit on this lane.

n) Garden of Remembrance - to be discussed in any other business.

o) Lark Road Sign - the Borough Council have agreed to take this on as it does not appear the developer is going to provide the sign.

p) Cemetery Wheelie Bin - Mr Nicholas-Letch informed the meeting that for the time being would make do with the bin already in place.

q) Pot Holes Lynn Road - these still had not be filled in. It was agreed the Clerk should set up a meeting between Highways and councillors to discuss the condition of the roads and footpaths throughout the whole of the village which are in a bad condition. Mrs Mann, Mr Summers and Mr Nicholas-Letch would attend the meeting.

r) Hedge Furlong Road - still not cut back - Mr Nicholas-Letch will have a word with the occupier of the property.

s) Hedge Bridge Road - at present it is not known who is the owner of this land, once this is known a letter will be sent.

t) Cars Parked near Bridge - the situation appears to have improved

5. Internal Audit:

The Clerk reported that this went well, the Auditor made a couple of comments to be taken on board, any payments made by Direct Debit should be minuted and a Statement of Accounts to be presented to each meeting.

6. Village Liaison Meeting:

The Chairman reported that he would be resigning from this committee and asked if any one of the councillors would like to replace him. Mr Summers agreed to attend future meetings. It was reported that Grampians would prefer the Millers Arms to continue as licensed premises rather than sold.

7. Planning:

Approved by Parish:

Construction of swimming pool in rear garden at The Tower Mill Boughton Road

Garage and extension at Hope Cottage Oxborough Road

Withdrawal of application one dwelling at land East of Maltese House Lynn Road

Approved by Borough:

Restoration and improvements to dwelling at All Saints House High Street

Grant of Listed Building Consent - restoration and improvements All Saints House High Street

Porch Link between conservatory and garage at Wynbury Bridge Road

Late Notice of Planning Permission:

Construction of building to house booster pumping station at Water Treatment Works School Lane

Construction of extension to rear of dwelling at Bramley End Wretton Road

Removal of condition 1 of planning permission - removal of agricultural restriction at Boughton Farm Boughton Road

8. Accounts for Approval:

Direct Debit payments to e-on Energy £39.40 x 2 for Lighting May and June

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 Lighting Maintenance July/August

Country Grounds Maintenance - £458.14 - Half Yearly Account - Grounds Maintenance at Cemetery

Country Grounds Maintenance - £112.80 - Half Yearly Account - Grounds Maintenance Recreation Ground

Mr J Cross Internal Auditor - £15.00 - Towards expenses

Mrs Mann proposed approval for payment seconded by Mr Mr Precey

Statement of Account as at 9 July 2007 - Total Receipts £9,838.58, Payments £2,228.58, Balance in Bank £7,610.00.

9. Correspondence:

NCAP&TC - requesting nominations to be a member of the Executive Committee

Vitalise - requesting donation to help with their work providing breaks for disabled people - not agreed to

NCC - No Smoking Legislation - advising bus shelters with a roof should have "No Smoking Sign" - ordered

BCKL&WN - requesting nominations to Internal Drainage Boards

BCKL&WN - Polling District and Places Review

Mott MacDonald - Plans of new bus stops in the village

Councillors Other Business:

Two councillors raised a problem with two motor bikes racing through the village overtaking cars on their rear wheels, going down School Lane to the Common, late at night, they do not appear to have silencers or number plates, maybe trial bikes or similar. To be reported to PC Jackson. The Clerk to arrange for a note to be put in The Pump and Notice Board requesting residents to contact her in confidence if they know the names of these riders.

Mrs Mann had received several complaints about late night/early morning noise from the Bluebell. Residents in the village being woken in the early hours of the morning. The Chairman will have a word with the licensee, in the first instance, if no improvement further action will need to be taken.

Mrs Leamon reported that the footpath near 12 Buckenham Drive is crumbling away - report to the Borough Council. Also grass cuttings being left on the gravel car park.

A 24T Glazewing lorry had been seen travelling through the village, the Clerk to write to the company.

The Chairman raised the matter of the Wells Home site in High Street which now looks an unsightly mess. The Clerk to write asking them to tidy up this area and to ask what their intentions are regarding this site.

Mr Precey reported overgrown shrubs at properties in Oxborough Road - the Clerk to write to occupiers.

Mr Nicholas-Letch referred to the Cemetery outlining some of the work required in particular to the Garden of Remembrance, he would also like to investigate the possibility of Community Workers being involved with some of the work needed. He would report in further detail to the next meeting. The Clerk to provide him with a plan of the Cemetery.

Mr Summers asked to have minuted that he had not been involved with the request for additional bus stops in the village.

Public Other Business:

The Rubbish Bin near the new seat on Lynn Road has been pulled off the supporting post. Mrs Mann will keep the bin in a safe place until arrangements are made to have it refixed, Mr Mycock to be asked if this is something he would or could do if not obtain a quote from Bonnets.

Traffic in High Street is getting faster, particularly during the evenings and late at night.

Grass Cutting in Playing Fields not up to standard. Mr Precey to have a word with CGM and the Clerk to write to them.

Several members of the public had received letters from Mott MacDonald outlining the proposed sightings of the new bus stops.

The Chairman proposed a short break for councillors to study the plans and members of the public not involved with the bus stops or did not wish to stay could leave the meeting, the matter would then be discussed.

After discussion with the members of the public affected by these new bus stops the following was agreed:

Bridge Road (1) the occupier of Pendar is not happy with this stop - it was agreed to ask if this could be moved to just beyond Hawthorne Lodge. (2) not a suitable position too near junction of High Street/Oxborough Road - arrange a meeting with Mr Summers and Mrs Lansdell-Williams, parish councillors, and representative from Mott MacDonald to discuss these two stops.

(3) and (4) Wretton Road - no action

(5) and (6) Lynn Road - no action

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 12 September 2007 commencing at 7.30pm.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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