Prize Bingo results
January 2008
Results of the charity Prize Bingo held in November at Stoke Ferry Village Hall
Dear Ray,
In November, we held a prize bingo at Stoke Ferry village hall in aid of Wretton church. We raised £588. We also held a pin board game for the Air Ambulance which took £64.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you, once again, to Jim and Daphne, Glenda, Yvonne, Mally's mum and everyone who donated prizes, and those who helped to make it such a successful night.
We will be holding an Easter bingo on the 15th March, with the pin board game for the church, and all other money going towards the Air Ambulance. We hope to see
you there.
Our Christmas raffle was drawn at the car boot held at James Bradfield school on Sunday 16th December, and £156 will be on its way to the Air Ambulance. Thanks
to all who brought tickets.
Prizes are as follows: (W = white, P = pink)
W 583 - Lakey - Father Christmas
W 761 - Bonnets - Hamper
W 916 - Angela - Celebrations
P 870 - Ellington - Wine + Glasses
W 662 - Mrs Moore - Christmas CD + Candles
W 621 - Chapman - Teddy + Chocs
P 868 - Ellington - Stocking + Biscuits
W 611 - Seymour - Toys
W 580 - Lakey - Baubles
Thank you
Louise Randall