March 2008
The Chairman describes recent activities of the group
Andromeda's lodge
Buckenham Drive
Run by the Stoke Ferry Residents' Association
On 6th February the group went to the Heron in Stowbridge for a nice lunch. Extremely good value and we will certainly be going there again in a few weeks time. It will, of course, again be paid for by Group funds.
The 20th February meeting is our normal Group meeting with games, raffle, tea and coffee, cake and auctions.
5th March, a show is being prepared for all to attend.
19th march, games and discussions are planned. The latter is to ensure that every one involved in the group can have their say in what the group wants to do or where to go for the next few weeks.
If anyone wishes to join our Group please come along on the above dates and be sure of a warm welcome. The Group meets every two weeks at my house; our meetings are very informal but extremely good fun.
Contact Joyce Hull (01366 501270 or 01366 320261) for more details
Joyce Hull