Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Be Prepared

May 2008

Paul appeal for help to keep the Wereham scouting groups thriving

'Be Prepared' - a phrase synonymous with the Scouting movement. The local Scout Group, 1st Wereham & Wretton, has been existence for nearly 40 years, and although there have been many changes, the most significant being the inclusion of girls, the spirit of the movement has remained the same. The Group consists of Beavers (6 to 8 years), Cubs (8 to 10 1/2) and Scouts (10 1/2 to 14). Over the years, many young people have benefited from local Scouting, enjoying a variety of activities, making new friends and learning different skills.

The group is fortunate in having a team of dedicated leaders, an active committee, and a well-equipped headquarters building. However we are always eager to attract additional adult support.

This is especially critical in the youngest section, where John Miller, 'Badger', has led the Beavers for the past 10 years. John is to step down from his role in July. Under his leadership, Beavers have experienced a wide range of challenging and imaginative programmes. In recent months, themes have included: - healthy eating, caring for animals and developing increased awareness of the world around us.

Beavers currently meet on Monday evenings during school terms, but times could be adjusted to suit the requirements of John's successor. The role could also be 'job shared'. It involves at least a couple of hours work each week (meeting time plus planning), plus occasional Group meetings and activities. Leaders don't have to be 'superheroes' with knowledge of everything! The Scout Association offers a comprehensive training package, tailored to the individual Group sections. Plus there will always be support from other leaders. Many other skills can be learnt along the way. What is essential is enthusiasm for giving young people an opportunity to sample the adventure Scouting has to offer, and to enjoy working with a friendly team. Rediscover your youth!

So, are you 'prepared'? If you are interested in running Beavers, or indeed assisting any other section, please get in touch. Enquiries should be made to me, Paul Smith, Wereham & Wretton Group Scout Leader, on 01366 501224.

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