Minutes of Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Meeting
June 2008
Minutes of the Stoke Ferry Annual Parish meeting
Minutes of Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Meeting held in the Community Centre
At 7.15pm on Wednesday 7 May 2008
1. Those Attending Mr M Ferrie (Chairman), Mrs T Mann (Vice-Chair) Mrs M Leamon, Mr D Summers, Mrs R Mendoza, Mr M Mycock, Mr M Precey, Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 10 members of the public. Councillor Mr J Nicholas-Letch
2. Apologies Were received from Watlington Safer Neighbourhood Watch
3. Minutes of Last Meeting
Mr M Precey proposed acceptance of the minutes, seconded by Mrs R Mendoza
4. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
5. Playing Field Report
The Clerk read a report from the Playing Field Committee - thanking the Parish Council for the money donated towards the insurance. They are currently fundraising for an under sixes play area, but due to vandalism in the playing fields some of this money has had to be used, the skating half pipe has been removed as it was felt unsafe, two members of the public have painted the play equipment and bolted down two new play cars, one of which has already been pulled up. A fun day is being arranged and two bingo sessions in July and December also being arranged.
The Chairman enquired what the criteria was for acceptance to play football on the field as the men's team now plays elsewhere. Mrs Mann said it was their choice to move not a demand of the playing field committee. The Clerk to contact the playing field committee, as juniors progressing to the men's football played within the village is viewed as a community asset and not something to be lightly lost.
6. Stoke Ferry Residents Association Report
In the absence of a report being submitted, Mrs Clements informed the meeting that there would be a Stoke Ferry Festival again this year, taking place over the weekend 19/20/21 September, it will not be so large this year but there would still be a street market.
7. Parish Plan Action Group
Mr Arthur Fletcher, who took on the role of Chairperson following the formation of the Action Group, informed the meeting that more people were desperately required to help take on board the issues raised by the residents of Stoke Ferry. He has prepared a flier to be dropped off to all households in the village, this was approved by the councillors, the Chairman will obtain a quotation for the printing of this which will be paid for by the PC. Mr Fletcher also asked for help to deliver these leaflets when ready.
8. Any Other Business
Cllr Nicholas-Letch apologised for being late. There was no other business
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30pm.
Parish Clerk