Minutes of West Dereham Parish Meeting
July 2008
A lively debate regarding the use by Glazewing of Station Road and concern at recently issued quarrying licenses which could impact on West dereham Church
Minutes of West Dereham Parish Meeting held on Thursday
29th May 2008 at 7.OOp.m. in the Village Hall.
Present: Miss Richardson - chairperson, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Cann, B. Glover, R. Drew, R. Rockcliffe: County Councillor, T. Manley: Boro' Councillor together with 16 members of the public.
Apologies: M. Grief
1. Minutes: It was proposed by R. Drew and seconded by Mrs. Berry that the Minutes of the meeting held on 31st May 2007 be agreed as a correct record. Chairperson's Report: Miss Richardson stated that during in the past year much had happened - all except one allotment was now let and thanks were expressed to Mr. French for all his in put during the year. The Parish Council is actively trying to organise a Web site and the Millennium Trustees have agreed to meet the cost of laying on water to the Cemetery. Progress is being made on the prospect of an alternative access into Glazewing thus alleviating problems along Station Road and Glazewing have implemented a voluntary 20 mph speed limit on Station Road in the Company vehicles. The Fens Access has been re-positioned and a new one erected at the Village Hall. The Borough Council have tried to raise the annual rent on the play area at St. Andrews Close and negotiations are still on going. Thanks were given to Russell Drew, Barry and Tim Glover for levelling and seeding the old hedge line in the Cemetery. Apologies were given in case anyone had been omitted and thanks were given to fellow Councillors for the work they had put in during the year. One of the most disturbing events of the past year had been the disgraceful and discourteous treatment of our parish Clerk at the emergency meeting on l9~ April. Unfortunately I was unable to be present at that meeting having only just returned from hospital but have received reports of the downright rudeness and lack of respect shown by a member of the public who, incidentally, does not regularly attend Parish Council meetings which led to Jane resigning from her post. This is a huge waste of a wealth of local knowledge and connections gained from her days both as a Borough Councillor, Parish Council Chairman and Clerk over a period of 20 years or so. I will be very sorry to see Jane leave, but I do understand her reasons. I would like to thank Jane for her diligence, hard work and support during my time as Chairperson and I would like to present a bouquet of flowers to her.
2. Village Hall Report: There is a bank balance of~2428. 76 and it is noted that Powergen payment is less due to the previous years direct debit being too high and therefore some money has been refunded. Plans are being submitted by Russen and Turner for the extensions to the Village Hall, who are hoping to be able to submit same under the 'umbrella' of the Parish Council as this halves the fee. There has been no feed back as yet from the perpetrators of the 'rave' so that matter has been taken to the small claims court.
3. Matters Raised by the Public: The member of the public stated they did not think any rudeness or discourtesy had been shown to the clerk at the special April meeting. A member of the public requests that in future the precept by considered in November instead of January as happens at present.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.23p.m.
Parish Clerk