Wretton Historical Organisation
July 2008
Some thoughts from Jackie who conceived the All Eras fair
Well, what can I say? How can one condense in a few words one of the best days I can remember in ages?
- From the humble idea in my head to the fully-fledged occasion! Mr Pyecroft saying "Yes, yes ... and yes" when asking if this and that were possible
- The generosity of the sponsors
- The eagerness of the church cleaning party
- Maureen putting a lot of herself into producing a beautiful painting of the church
- To the four Johns erecting tents, being really funny and not realising it!
Then there were the Saturday evening shenanigans, the mead and Mr Jennings's tall tales by candlelight, combined with the aroma of wood smoke
Finally the tummy-churning day itself. The escaping down the river in the early morning to the Early Dance group taking over my house. Loved the poignant speech from Neil in his portrayal of the WWI padre.
Like all good things, it all seemed to go so quickly.
A brief snapshot of the day? It has to be all those smiles. The smiles from the public reflecting in the smiles of the re-enactors.
And my closing comments to Alan Gatward, one of the army guys when he started to pack up: "Oh, don't go, let's all live on the Green, drink ginger beer and talk nonsense!" I meant it.
A big THANK YOU to you all ... it was MAGIC!
Jackie Pardoe
and below - a few of the comments from the feedback forms - all very positive!
Qu: what did you like best about the day?
"The period music, especially Timescape - and the friendly atmosphere. Basically everything!" "Not any one thing. Whole event great, thanks". "The variety! Joining in. Locally relevant history. Music, crafts. Well done!"
Qu: Is there anything WHO could do to improve on the event?
"No", "Yes, hold it over a couple of days (including) a weekday - so schools could attend. Wonderful education." "No, repeat the same."
And finally, a gem! "Chope peepls hed's off".
AND despite this being a FREE event, money through donations, refreshments and the selling of lots (raffle) raised more than £1500 for Wretton Church!
Jackie Pardoe