Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Passionate About Plants

December 2008

Paul gives advice on bare root plants

Bare root season is upon us yet again. The best time to transplant young trees and deciduous hedging plants is once the leaves have dropped. Twenty to thirty years ago the nurseryman's main selling period would be during the winter months, but with the advent of commercially growing plants in containers, it enabled plants to be sold all year round. There are, however certain species of plants which are still produced in the field and only sold in the winter months. The main reasons why we still hold on to this traditional growing method are as follows:

1. It keeps the cost down. Where a large number of plants are required to produce a hedge be it a farmer's field or a domestic boundary it makes it more cost effective.

2. Certain plants grow better in the ground. Many of our common a garden hedging plants produce stronger young plants when grown in the open ground, and as they transplant reasonably well it makes common sense to use them.

3. Ease of handling. Transportation of large quantities of young plants is much easier. Trees can be heavy and difficult to handle when grown in large pots.

The main plants we supply that are bare root are fruit trees and deciduous hedging.

Our hedging plants come in several sizes 40/60cm and 60/80cm high. We like to supply strong plants so we advise our customers to have 1+1's. This means that the plant has been grown for one year then transplanted and grown for a second year. It produces a strong root system and a much thicker stem giving it a greater chance of survival. The planting distance for the stronger plants is 25cm apart (i.e. 4 to a metre) thus making it easy to calculate the amount required.

For larger quantities we offer a trade price and we are happy to quote for quantities of more than a hundred plants per variety. Please remember they are packed in bundles of 25 - so smaller quantities can be relatively expensive.

The golden rules for handling bare root plants:

1. Plant as soon as possible after lifting.

2. Keep the root system damp at all times from lifting to planting.

3. Keep out of the sun and drying winds prior to planting.

4. Water well immediately after planting.

5. Protect from vermin, i.e. rabbits and mice (deer can be a problem too!)

If you follow the above guideline you should reduce substantially the number of losses.

When planting bare root hedging you must always be prepared for a few failures, but then

you are buying much cheaper plants than if they were pot grown.

We are always happy to give advice on any gardening projects or any problems you may

encounter in your garden. So come and visit us at the nursery!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New

Year from all at Quaymount, and remember keep gardening. (Sorry too much Strictly

Come Dancing!)

Paul Markwell,

Quaymount Nurseries.


01366 500691.

Paul Markwell

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