Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry PC October minutes

December 2008

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 15 October 2008


1. Those Attending: Cllr M Ferrie (Chairman), Cllr Mrs T Mann (Vice-Chair), Cllr D Summers, Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Cllr M Precey, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Mrs Mendoza, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 10 Members of the public.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, County Councillor T White and PCSO Sarah Clipperton.

2. Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Precey proposed that the Minutes be accepted seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon.

3. Matters Arising:

a) Buckenham Drive - remedial works have begun, two new drains are being constructed. The work will be monitored.

b) Care Home - the signed Protocol Document has now been received.

c) Foopath alongside Playing Fields - Freebridge have agreed to cut this back, the work has been passed to the contractors.

d) Loose Kerb junction Buckenham Drive/Wretton Road - Cllr Mrs Leamon reported this is still loose.Highways to be informed.

e) Allotments - The Clerk has received a phone call from the owner of part of the land near the Cemetery, she is to discuss the matter with the joint owner. The contract for the parcel of land currently rented out can be discontinued by giving a years' notice, the rent is due for review in 2011. Cllr Precey informed the meeting that should a parcel of land be available for purchase, the PC would apply for a Lottery Grant.

f) Parking Issues - it was reported that a white van is permanently parked on the footpath in Lynn Road preventing pedestrians passing. The Clerk to report this to the police.

g) Footpath between Buckenham Drive and Wretton Road - the weeds have now been cleared

h) Parking in Lynn Road near Village Hall - Wells Homes have now cleared a larger area for parking adjacent to the Village Hall. The Clerk to write and thank them for doing this.

i) Parish Emergency Plan - Cllr Mann had read the document and felt that all that was really necessary for the village would be to agree two or three venues, possibly the Village Hall, Community Centre or Church and ask if we could be keyholders, where residents could be sheltered should the need arise with two people being key holders to the said premises. Cllr Mann to speak to Alison Haines at the Borough Council enquiring what overall measures are in place for the village.

j) Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams has kindly cut back all the weeds around the rubbish bins on The Common. This was greatly appreciated.

k) Hedge Bridge Road - This has now been cut but Highways reported that because of the cost involved they could not do this every year, they may even consider removing it altogether. Cllr Summers to investigate to see if he can find out who owns the piece of land.

l) Sugar Beat Lorries - Highways are not prepared to put up any further or different signs. British Sugar have confirmed that their address and post code have now been changed, it may take some time for satellite navigation systems to be updated.

m) Raised Manhole Cover Wretton Road - has been inspected but work not yet carried out. The Clerk to chase up.

n) Light on Dukes Head - The Clerk reported this is not on our maintenance list of lights, a letter to be sent to Grampians (Vion).

Litter Bins:

A quotation had been received from Thomas B Bonnett for the repair of one bin in the sum of £70,00 plus VAT also the removal of a further bin from behind the village sign to the junction of Lynn Road and Bradfield Place, which would require a new concrete base, in the sum of £230.00 plus VAT. It was agreed by a majority vote to accept this quotation. It was agreed that the small litter bin being removed from Lynn Road will be donated to the Playing Fields, Cllr Mrs Mann will collect from Bonnett's when the work is complete.

Remembrance Sunday:

It was agreed that the Chairman will read a few suitable words or poem, then lay the Wreath at 11.00am on Sunday 9 November at the War Memorial on The Hill. Notices to be displayed in The Pump, the Village Shop, Post Office, Fish Shop and Notice Board.

Community Speed Watch

Cllr Summers agreed to investigate this further to see what support there was, what cost implications there would be and report back to the next meeting. BC Sampson advised insurance would be required for persons involved, public liability costing approximately £250 per year would cover 5 site visits a year, contact Southern Area Road Safety Committee for further information.

Grass Cutting Contract

The current contract has now ended, the Clerk to obtain at least three quotations including CGM. Also to request a quotation for the annual cutting of the hedge in Bridge Road.

Budget 2009/2010

The Chairman asked councillors to consider if there were any particular expenses/projects for the next financial year and to submit their costings/figures by the next meeting on 26 November, for consideration and discussion.

Co-option of Parish Councillor

A letter had been received from Mr J Fiedler asking to be considered as a Parish Councillor. Councillors left the meeting briefly to consider the application, it was unanimously agreed that Mr Fiedler be accepted as a PC, the Clerk will write to him in the next few days with all pertinent information.

4. Planning:

Approved by the Borough

Grant of Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling and replacement garage at Ivy Farm Cottage Wretton Road

Grant of Planning Permission construction of one dwelling and garage Plot 2, The Hollow


Approval - use of land for the conditioning of topsoil in windrows and measure to mitigate landscape impact British Sugar West Dereham

5. Accounts for Approval

Direct Debit payment to e-on Energy x 2 - £39.40 each - Lighting - August and September

Direct Debit payment Anglian Water - 1/2 year Water Rates at the Cemetery - £22.23

MHB Services - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance September/October

James Bradfield School - £12.63 - Hire of Hall - September

Mrs C Hardy - £255.00 - Salary for September 2008

Mrs C Hardy - £30.33 - Expenses for September 2008

BCKLWN - £32.69 - Collection Dog Waste from The Common

Statement of Account as at 6 September 2008 (Bank Statement) - Total Receipts - £9946.27, less Payments to date £5326.40 Balance in Bank £5408.61. Un-presented cheque £788.74.

Cllr Precey proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza

6. Correspondence:

H Brett & Son request for black granite headstone and base for Malcolm Gordon Payne - application approved.

West Norfolk Citizans Advice Bureau acknowledging donation.

BCKLWN - Borough Council Standards Committee Appointment of Members

NALC - Emergency Management Seminar Wednesday 5 November 2008

Mr Chapman regarding the speeding in Buckenham Drive, can sleeping policemen be installed - BC Sampson advised that these have now been banned.

7. Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Mann gave a brief verbal report on the Village Liaison Meeting that had taken place in the afternoon - no changes since new owners took over, only three complaints, their building is safe no hazards which could cause problems.

Minutes in Lynn News - Cllr Mrs Mann was not happy with the way Lynn News interpret the draft minutes sent to them, they are not printed as sent, only certain points seem to be picked out. The Clerk was asked to write asking if the minutes could be printed in order with no sensational headlines picked out.

Cllr Mrs Mendoza reported a large pothole in Bridge Road near the Village Shop - to be reported to Highways.

Headge in Boughton Road overgrown on to footpath, Cllr Mrs Mendoza to provide further details.

Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams raised the issue of Freedom of Information Act, adoption to be carried out by 31 December 2008. It is a legal requirement, the Clerk to ask NALC if they have a simpler version of the forms for Parish Council use. Will be further discussed at next meeting.

8. Public Other Business

Hedge opposite the Old Wood Yard Bridge Road - is it legal to cut it down, advice will be sought as and when required.

There is still a notice, near Wereham, advertising the Stoke Ferry Fun Day for 31 August 2008. Arrangements to be made for this to be removed.

Kebab Shop - complaint regarding the amount of rubbish emanating from the shop. The Clerk to write again requesting they have a suitably sized rubbish bin available outside the shop and also put a notice up asking customers not to throw their discarded takeaway boxes around the village.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 26 November 2008 commencing at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk

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