Stoke Ferry Forget-me-not Club
February 2009
Another fun filled month for the Forget-me-not club
Tuesday 30th December - We left Stoke Ferry at 11.15am for our trip to "The Royal Theatre" in Bury St Edmunds to see the Pantomime "Puss in Boots." A really happy afternoon's entertainment with lots of old fashioned audience participation which was funded, once again, by our lottery grant.
7th January - a very successful AGM with most committee members remaining and with Carol hardy becoming our new Treasurer as June Stocking had decided to retire from the job. We have two new members on the committee - Yvonne Keanan and Dave Ellington. The rest of the afternoon was spent playing games and of course our Bring & Buy and our raffle. A very happy meeting, once again.
Club Secretary
VE Bonnett