Letter from Wes Dereham Vicarage
May 2009
Judith's final letter from West Ddereham
Dear Friends,
It's a worrying world, isn't it? The news always seems to be full of doom and gloom, credit crunch and disaster.
Medical science is now telling us what Christians have known for generations; people who spend even a few minutes in quiet meditation every day are much happier and healthier. They have a lower risk of illnesses which can be stress related, such as heart attacks.
Of course it is much better not to waste time in empty thought. Find a quiet place to think, to pray, to listen to God, to refuel and re-chart your course, as it recommended in my Bible reading notes today. That, by the way, is one way God "talks" to me, by the apparent "coincidence" of my daily Bible reading talking about what is currently on my mind. Jesus often took time away from the crowds to pray and it is good to follow his example. If you would like to start, may I suggest a free booklet called "The Word for Today". You can order it by phone on 0845 60 40 401 or email ucb@ucb.co.uk. There is also digital radio, digital satellite channel 0125 and digital cable channel 914.
While we are on the subject of taking time to have a balanced life, I should like to thank Tony Stacey for all he has done, together with Mike Broughton, in keeping this Newsletter going since Stan Atkinson's death. Tony has now been elected Churchwarden at St Mary's Annual Parochial Church Meeting and he cannot do that as well as continuing to produce the Newsletter.
I am very sorry to say, therefore, that this will be the last Newsletter unless or until someone else volunteers to take Tony's place. In the meantime information about the church services and events can be found on the church notice boards and websites.
With best wishes,
Judith Grundy