Wereham Newsletter
May 2009
Monthly update from Wereham
Thank you to all of you who took the time to complete and return the questionnaire form asking your thoughts about the need for the village hall and for its refurbishment. Out of the 120 returned forms 118 gave positive feedback. This result is an indication you are agreed that the hall is an important facility within the village.
Over the last five months, many tradesmen have been approached to give us their quotations for the various improvements needed to meet these regulations. We are now waiting for a structural engineer to come and give us his opinion and report on the whole structure and condition of the hall, before we can move forward with any refurbishment. Once this report is received and we know what we are facing, then we can go ahead and apply to the various funders for grants to carry out the necessary work.
The hall is used by many of you for various clubs, once it is refurbished and comes in line with current building and health and safety regulations, it is intended to extend the range of activities offered to enable and encourage more usage.
I personally had never been to a Bingo session either in Wereham or anywhere else and so was astounded to see so many people at Wednesday's session in our village hall. There were approximately 87 players and 5 helpers which meant the hall was near to capacity. It was so good to see everyone from our own village and the surrounding villages not only taking the proceedings seriously but having a great time as well.
Events such as the Easter Egg Hunt and the Bingo take a lot of organisation so sincere thanks goes to those committee members who arranged both events. A fantastic effort. Also, of course the Village Hall Committee acknowledge and thank the outstanding generosity of all who gave so willingly the prizes for both events.
There were so many prizes donated by the villagers and players (with a little persuasion from one of our committee members) from the Post Office van, the Fish and Chip van plus many more which meant the takings of over £470 on the evening of the Bingo were profit, and as you know this goes towards the refurbishment of the hall. Both events made it possible to bank a whopping £500. What else can we say but THANK YOU ONE AND ALL FOR YOUR OUTSTANDING SUPPORT. With your help and support which you have already shown, we will achieve our goal of making our village hall one to be proud of, maybe not next month or the month after but as soon as is humanly possible.
10K Grand East Anglia Run
Donna James is in training around Wereham and the surrounding villages for the 10K Grand East Anglia Run on 3rd May. She will be wearing a distinctive pink and black vest to raise awareness (and hopefully funds!) for Diabetes UK,a charity that helps diabetics. Donna has chosen this charity because her sister Hollie was diagnosed with type I diabetes in January this year and has found this charity a great source of support. So please, if you see Donna out running, smile and say hello or if you would like to sponsor her please phone 01366 500956. She is hoping to raise £200 and is halfway there but would be very grateful for any donations.
Aid for Andy
A big 'Thank you' to all who supported us in this fantastic event. From people who gave donations and prizes for the raffle to those who purchased tickets and were there dancing the night away to the fabulous group 'Gravel Road'. The marvellous total of £4,250 was raised. Andy's family was overwhelmed by your generosity and is looking forward to purchasing the equipment needed to help Andy enjoy some quality of life. Thank you all once again. The team: Angela, Amanda, Michele and Susan
A HALL OF STALLS on Saturday 16th May starting at 10.30 onwards. Would you like to have a stall at this event? If so, please contact Angela on 500115. No matter what you want or have to sell, we are sure you will find a buyer for some of your wares. Stalls cost £5 each but hurry as places are being snapped up quickly.
All proceeds go to the refurbishment of the village hall.
Calling all Knitters, Embroiderers, Painters and Craft People.
There will be a Craft stall in the Hall of Stalls in May. If you have any handmade items to donate to the stall, it would be greatly appreciated. All monies raised will go to the repairs needed to our Village Hall.
Items can be collected-call Sheila on 501086 or Ivy on 501108.
Thank you very much for your help.
Sheila Heavens.
Church Festival Day - Sunday 19 July 2009
As usual we will be delighted to see everybody on the day. As you may be aware this is an important event for the future of the church as this is our main fundraising event of the year. Thank you for your kindness and generosity in the past and we trust that you will be able to offer ongoing support to our church.
We are seeking prizes for the Raffle and other stalls, items for the white elephant stall and plants. If you would like to donate to any of these stalls please contact or
deliver items as follows:-
White Elephant - Doreen Rolph or Liz Baddock
Plants - Liz Baddock (Tel 500233)
Raffle etc - Jane Vince (Tel 500858) The White House.
Open Gardens - Sunday 21 June 2009
If you are able to donate plants for a stall at the above event, we would be most grateful. Please contact Liz Baddock (tel 500233)
Thank you so much for your support.
Lynda Eddy