Wereham Annual Parish Council meeting
June 2009
Wereham Annual Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall following the
Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 12th May 2009.
Present: P. Markwell, D. Pickston, P. Norris, C, Humphries, Mrs. Newell together with 5 members of the public.
Apologies: None
Election of Chairman: The Clerk asked for nominations for Chairman and P. Norris proposed P. Markwell who agreed to stand and was seconded by C. Humphries -unanimously agreed. P. Markwell then took the Chair.
Election of Vice Chairman: Nominations were asked for and Mrs. Newell proposed C. Humphries who agreed to stand and who was seconded by P. Markwell. C. Humphries was duly elected.
Co-option to fill Casual Vacancies: A paper ballot was taken and Mrs. D. Everitt and M/s M. Norris were duly elected. Mr. Eastgate verified the ballot papers. Mrs. Everitt then joined the Councillors and the clerk was instructed to contact M/s Norris and Mrs. Koopowitz who ere not present.
Minutes: D. Pickston proposed and C. Humphries seconded that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th March 2009 be signed as a correct record.
Matters Arising: The Play Area surface is still awaiting attention - P. Markwell agreed to try and hasten the arrival of the cleaning fluid. Mr. Eastgate will look into the matter of reflectors on the railings at the Flegg Green junction. Willow Tree - it was confirmed that some growth has been produced this year so it was agreed that it is safe for the time being but will need attention next year, P. Markwell confirmed there is a new product on the market which may well help this tree to slow down deterioration if holes are put into the ground around the base at one foot intervals - it was agreed that the product should be purchased and tried. Litter Picking - it was agreed that the Village be taken in sections and various people be responsible for a given section. Bags for the rubbish are going to be provided by W.N.B.C. and when several are filled and gathered into a given location the Borough Council will collect them. The following is a list of names together with their area: P. Norris - Wereham Road & Flegg Green: Mrs. Newell Stoke Road : Mrs. Everitt - Council Estate: D. Pickston - Church Road and Church Yard: G. Baddock - The Pond: J. Cowieson -Playing Field: C. Humphries - School Lane and Cavenham Road. Dog Fouling notices were obtained and erected in Stoke Road but have now been removed and thrown away.
Planning: None
Payments: Haward Horological Ltd - £130. 00: Norfolk Local Council - £130.20:
N.R.C.C. £25.00 : W.N.B.C. - £40.88 : Allianz Ins. £883.51 : Village Hall £36.00 -Proposed Mrs. Newell seconded C. Humphries pass for payment - agreed. Adoption of Accounts: It was proposed by C. Humphries and seconded by Mrs. Newell the accounts be adopted as presented.
Appointment of R.F.O. c. Humphries proposed and D. Pickston seconded the Clerk be appointed - agreed.
Review of Burial Fees: After a discussion it was proposed by D. Pickston and seconded by C. Humphries that the fees be increased by £5. 00 across the board. Payment of Electricity Account: It was agreed that the existing system be continued.
Correspondence: Norfolk Matters : Your Council: Sign Post: Playing Field:
W.N.B.C. Deferral Scheme - Cemetery Rates : N.C.C. Drainage works School Lane:
C.P.R.E. litter Pick : Norfolk Constabulary mobile times changing: all noted. R.A.F. Parish Council 29/06/09. E.A. Childrens Hospices - request for donation - noted. W.N.B.C. notification of County Council and European Elections - notices to be displayed. Mrs. Bliss requested on behalf of a parishioner that Litter bins be reinstated. While walking his dog nearly put it's nose in an opened meat tin which could so easily have been a serious matter. The rubbish was taken home by the dog walker whom we cannot thank as we do not know his name.
Any Other Business: Mr. Pickston volunteered to paint the metal seat on the green near the pond - clerk was instructed to purchase the necessary paint. The manhole in the road between Crown Gardens and Flegg Green needs attention. The Litter picking system is to be reviewed at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.
Parish Clerk