Wretton Annual Parish Meeting Minuted
June 2009
Minutes of the 2009 Wretton Annual Parish Meeting
Present: Mr. D Llewellyn (Chairman of the Parish Council), four members of the Parish Council and ten members of the public.
1. The Chairman welcomed those present and explained that the meeting was an opportunity for residents to raise matters.
No apologies received.
2. The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of May 13th 2008 were signed as a true record.
3. Matters arising from the 2008 meeting:
* The All Eras Fair organised by Wretton Historical Organisation took place in 2008 and was deemed to be a great success. The Chairman voiced thanks for the effort put into the event and looks forward to future plans.
* The Wretton Parish Council website achieves some hits and e-mail traffic. Parish Council minutes and information are published on the site.
* Minutes of Parish Council meetings are also posted on the village notice boards and a new notice board has recently been erected by the phone box.
* Wretton was entered for the EDP 2008 Pride in Norfolk competition but did not mange to be placed in the final results. The Chairman pointed out that anyone can nominate the village for this competition which could help to promote the village.
4. Chairman's Report::
* The Parish Council continues to look for ways it may support the Church. It is difficult for the Parish Council to financially support work to the fabric of the building and thus assistance has been given to maintenance of the churchyard. The rough area to the side of the Church has been cleared by the Parish Council grounds maintenance contractors. If the Church were to come up with a proposal for improvement of facilities at the Church the Parish Council would consider ways that further help could perhaps be given.
* The Chairman gave a brief timeline of events leading to the installation in 2004 of the Wretton sewerage scheme. The minutes of Parish Council meetings show that the sewerage scheme has been mentioned at the majority of recent Parish Council meetings. The Council is indebted to Mr. Jacobs for the effort he has put in to resolve issues relating to the sewerage scheme. The Parish Council is not responsible for the design, engineering or routing of the pipes for the system. No recent problems with the sewerage system have been reported to the Parish Council but any matters raised in future will continue to be passed to the relevant authority.
* Spreadsheets of the income and expenditure of the Parish Council for the financial year ending 31/03/09 were made available to those at the meeting. No expenses are claimed by Councillors and Councillors work voluntarily, using their own time, labour and materials. The newsletter published in the parish recently was produced at no cost to the Parish Council and the yearly hosting fee for the website was paid by the Parish Council Chairman. The cost of any Parish Council postage is claimed as expenses by the Clerk.
* It was asked if the Parish Council is a member of CPRE and as it is not consideration will be given to future membership.
5. Financial Report
Copies of income and expenditure and a sheet showing the Parish Council bank balance as of 31/03/09 were available and are filed. Councillors are presented with account summaries at all Parish Council meetings. It was noted the precept was increased at an inflationary rate only in 2008 and has not been increased at all in 2009.
6. Classification of Limehouse Drove
An e-mail has been received from David Mills, NCC Rights of Way Officer, stating that the Drove is Restricted Byway No. 4 Wretton, which goes on to be Stoke Ferry No. 14. A Restricted Byway means the general public do not have right of access along the route in vehicles, unless by permission of the landowner. Landowners along the Drove will have private rights of access.
The Parish Council will continue to research ownership of the Drove and whether/how restricted access can be enforced.
7. Other matters raised by parishioners:
* Some discussion took place regarding a pathway marked on a map produced by Natural England which is not marked on the Ordnance Survey map.
* Queries were raised regarding changes that may have taken place to the parish boundaries over the years. Maps were produced at the time and consultation was entered into.
* Mrs Rose Proctor has requested permission to plant trees around the parish in memory of her husband. The Parish Council is likely to be supportive of this request and it will be a matter for discussion at the Parish Council meeting on May 12th.
* The street light that was removed from the electricity pole on the Green is due to be replaced.
* The Parish Council is conducting a review of the street lights and would be keen to know how many parishioners would like to see more street lights in the parish and how many would rather see less. The issue was raised as to whether street lights could be turned off after midnight.
* The Parish Council was asked to consider re-siting of the Church notice board. The notice board is currently located inside the fencing of the Play Area and it is thus difficult to read notices through the wire. There appears to be uncertainty as to who erected the notice board and therefore a reluctance to re-site it. However, consideration will be given to a notice board to be erected on the Green.
* Highways have stated the verge at the corner of Church Lane by the Play Area will be curbed if finances allow.
* Some discussion took place regarding land owned by the Jane Forby Charity and a request was made for a map which shows the land in question. The Chairman of the Jane Forby Trustees explained that some land was sold by the Charity some time ago and the money raised is held for the benefit of the poor and needy of the parish. The charity is administered by the Charity Commission and is limited by the articles of the association as to how money from the charity may be distributed. The charity is obliged to maximise income and thus land has been leased for purposes other than agricultural. The land along Lime House Drove owned by the Charity and where there is currently scrap material sited is monitored by the Environment Agency as concern has been voiced that asbestos may be dumped there.
Jane Forby land was originally offered for rental each Michaelmas but this is not the case at present as it difficult to end long term rental agreements already in place. The trustees were asked to provide details of the hire of the land and when any leases will be reviewed. Could the land be turned to allotments if requested?
* Highways have been asked about maintaining the footpath along All Saints Place so it is easier to traverse. There is uncertainty whether Highways are responsible for this path but further enquiries will be made. Access around the corner by All Saints Place for anyone with disabilities is difficult.
* The hedges at All Saints Place were reported as in need of trimming back.
* The Parish Council would welcome suggestions as to what should be done with the 'pond' on the Green.
* The Parish Council will consider whether minutes from Parish Council meetings should be published before they are signed.
Parish Clerk