Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham Parish Council

August 2009

Minutes of the meeting of Wereham Parish Council held on

Tuesday 14th July 2009

Minutes of the meeting of Wereham Parish Council held on

Tuesday 14th July 2009 in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

Present: P. Markwell - Chairman, C. Humphries, P. Norris, Mrs. Everitt, M/s Norris,

Mrs Newell together with 7 members of the public and 2 Police Community Support


Apologies: D. Pickston

1. Minutes: Annual Parish Meeting held on 12th May 2009 - proposed P. Norris & seconded C. Humphries these be signed as a correct record. It was confirmed that the Red 'phone box is still working.

Annual Parish Council meeting held following the Parish meeting - agreed and signed as a correct record as proposed by P. Norris & seconded by Mrs. Newell subject to the following amendments - (a) P. Norris's litter picking areas should read Flegg Green, The Row and Wereham Row (b) No donations will be made to any Charities in the future.

2. Matters Arising: The Play area surface has been cleaned by C. Humphries and Ivan Voutt - to whom thanks are given. Some reflectors are still required on the post on the Manor side of the A 134 at the Flegg Green junction. The Chairman confirmed he proposes to place the Mycortex around the Willow tree this week-end. One Dog Fouling notice remains on Stoke Road another is still required.

3. Planning Application: Mr. R.G. Dearsley - Construction of 2 dwellings after demolition of agricultural buildings, Bens Lane - recommend for approval.

4. Payments: C.G.M. Ltd £697. 31 and Petty Cash £50.20 - proposed Mrs. Newell & seconded by M/s Norris - pass for payment.

5. Correspondence: W.N.B.C. - Electoral Registration Canvassers required: School Governors required: N.C.C. - Manage your finances - all three notices to be displayed. Norfolk Link - P. Markwell: N.R.C.C. Signpost - M/s Norris: W.N.B.C. Community Development - P. Norris. W.N. Voluntary Community Action - clerk to check various details. Norfolk Local Council Parish Liaison Officer - will be at Reeds Homestore Cafe on 29th July 2009 between 2.30 - 4.30 to meet Parish Councillors and Clerks. W.N.B.C. Opportunity Awards 2009 - noted.

6. Any Other Business: The post on the Village Sign needs attention - Mrs. Newell volunteered to rub it down, fill where necessary and repaint. The actual Sign needs repainting and the clerk is to contact Mrs. Eastgate and ask if she would be willing to paint it again. Report of dogs barking in the Back Lane area - situation is to be monitored. Clerk is to ascertain which Authority is responsible for verge cutting on 'B' roads. The inside of the Gas Compound needs strimming - it was not cut when the playing field was cut. Litter picking - after a discussion it was agreed the present arrangement would continue and G. Baddock was thanked for his continuing efforts. P. Norris pointed out that there were one or two 'hot spots' and generally these were where groups congregate - he volunteered to speak to the groups and if this proved unsuccessful then letters would be sent to the local Schools.

Reports of noise and some vandalism were made and the Community Support Officers have taken this matter in hand - they also ask that 0848 456 4567 be telephoned if and when anything untoward appears to be happening. Village Hall - M/s Evans reported the Structural Survey has been carried out and a 24 month stay of execution was given provided a 3 monthly inspection is carried out. There are insufficient roof timbers, they are of an insufficient size and too far apart - no window lintels, the toilets and kitchen present health hazards. The Emergency exit does not operate as freely as it ought. There are enormous pot holes in the verge / access to Gravel Pit bungalow - clerk to contact the highways. The Police Community Support Officer - Sara Clipperton - is the Wereham Liaison Officer and can be contacted at the Watlington Safe Neighbourhood Team. The next Watlington Safe Neighbourhood meeting will be held at the Middleton Village Hall on 28th July 2009 at 7.00p.m.

The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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