Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry parish Council Minutes

September 2009

Minutes of the meeting held on 5 August 2009


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 5 August 2009

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs T Mann (Chairman), Cllr D Summers, Cllr J Fiedler, Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 10 Members of the public and 2 PCSO's.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr J Nicholas-Letch

The Chairman welcomed the two PCSO's to the meeting who reported there had been 14 instances but not anti-social behaviour, one motorbike case, two crimes involving a motor vehicle and a tractor, all isolated cases not ongoing. The Chairman asked if anyone present had any issues to raise - motor bikes/off roaders/quad bikes were mentioned travelling too fast along Wretton Road and round the village also down on The Common, one with a pillion passenger but no seat available. Also shooting taking place on The Common at all hours of the day and night. Everyone was advised that as soon as any incident occurs they should telephone the police on 0845 4564567. There being no further police business the Chairman thanked them for attending the meeting.

The Chairman advised the meeting that unfortunately due to a change in personal circumstances Nathan Porter was unable to take his seat as a Parish Councillor. Adverts had been placed around the village in an attempt to recruit a new councillor.

Minutes of the last Meeting: Cllr Precey proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza

Matters Arising:

a) Parking Lynn Road - This does seem to be improving but will continue to be monitored

b) Speed Limits Wretton Road - Cllr Nicholas-Letch was going to discuss this with the travel plan officer.

c) Lynn Road - the remedial works to this stretch of road should be carried out within the next 4-6 weeks.

d) Fence/Footpath near The Moorings/The Old Bull - Planning are still awaiting a planning application to be submitted for these works. A new "footpath/bridleway" sign will be placed on this side of Bridge Road.

e) High Street Sign - this has now been moved to a higher position on the wall.

f) The Bottle Bank Notice - unfortunately since ordering and receiving this the telephone number has changed, the Clerk will contact IRS to discuss the best way of getting this changed.

g) Anglian Water - Cllr Precey advised that the sewerage smell in Oak Road and Border Road seems to have abated at the moment but does occasionally return. He will monitor the situation.

h) Community Transport - the Chairman informed the meeting she had received an enquiry as to whether the surgery still bring prescriptions to the Post Office. Upon investigation it was discovered they do but only for those people whose prescriptions do not require any payments to be made. To date there have been three residents who would possibly benefit from this scheme. Cllr Summers agreed to investigate further and obtain information regarding being included in the scheme and report back to the next meeting.

i) Furlong Road - condition of roadway being dealt with by Cllr Nicholas-Letch.

j) Fire on By-Pass - The Chairman asked the meeting, as no information seems to be forthcoming, do councillors wish to continue pursuing the matter relating to hazardous materials being stored on the site. BC Sampson stated that planning permission was one thing but change of materials being stored need to be negotiated, he agreed to investigate what is happening. It was agreed not to contact the fire service at the moment.

k) Litter Pick - it was agreed that a further litter pick will be arranged for later in the year, the exact date will be decided at the next meeting.

l) Playing Field Planning Application - the Chairman informed the meeting that the application for the new Pavilion/changing rooms in the playing fields is being submitted under the Parish Council name

Buckenham Drive:

Following the meeting held on 1 July with Highways, it was agreed that they will carry out a lab test on the surface of the road and footpaths. It was also agreed that the footpaths will be treated with a slurry surface. Drainage will be improved with additional drain(s). A 20mph speed limit is not hopeful. A trial will take place outside the school at some point. Parking in the Hammerhead and outside bungalows 1-4 - no significant progress so far. Property Services Department have suggested the grassed areas be transferred to the Parish Council, this would involve certain costs. It was agreed that the Clerk make further enquiries particularly relating to the costs that may be involved.

Land Sub-Committee:

A letter had been received from Cllr Nicholas-Letch tendering his resignation from this committee. The Chairman asked if anyone would like to become part of this committee. Cllr Fiedler offered his services. As attendance at the sub-committee meeting on 2 July had been so small it had not been possible to deal with much, but it was agreed to investigate through Land Registry and Land Charges what land is registered to the Parish Council. These searches found that an area to the rear of the Cemetery in Furlong Drove and The Hill belong to the PC. It was agreed to hold a meeting on Tuesday 25 August at Cllr Precey's house commencing at 7.30pm

Lynn Road/Furlong Road/Affordable Housing Development

A meeting had been held on 4 August when a presentation on the 106 Agreement was given and preliminary drawings of the development were on display which was attended by representatives of the Village Hall Committee, the Developers Agent, the Section 106 Monitoring Officer and some members of the parish council. It was agreed that an Open Public Meeting should be held - this will take place on Monday 17 August at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. The Clerk and Chairman will prepare suitable notices to be displayed around the village.

BC Sampson agreed to chair the meeting.


Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked that the PC's assets be looked into relating to the insurance policy. It was agreed that this matter will be discussed at the Cemetery Sub-committee Meeting.

Cemetery Sub Committee

Cllr Nicholas-Letch had also tendered his resignation from this committee. Again the Chairman asked who would like to join this committee - Cllrs Summers and Mrs Leamon agreed. A meeting was therefore arranged for Tuesday 8 September commencing at 7.30pm to be held at the Chairman's house.


A letter had been received from Savills informing the PC that their clients are not willing to sell or rent the land currently privately used for allotments, at the current time. The Chairman asked whether compulsory purchase should be considered. If this route was taken the Borough Council would deal with it and the PC would be liable for legal costs. It was agreed that members should ask around to see if any farmers have or would be willing to rent/sell a parcel of land to the PC for this purpose and report back to the next meeting.

Village Liaison Meeting

The Chairman reported that one complaint relating to noise had been received and one transport problem which had both been sorted out. Vion requested that any problems should be reported to them on 01366 502394. Vion were investigating/considering whether or not they could move their entrance on Lynn Road nearer to the junction with Furlong Road, making it easier for lorries to access and exit the site, currently there is a bus stop opposite. The Chairman also asked the views of the PC to having double yellow lines on both sides of Furlong Road from the Lynn Road junction up to the post box. There would be no charge for this to be done, Highways would be agreeable if they felt there was a need. It was agreed to pursue this.

LAG Meetings:

Cllr Summers advised that new CAG posters are being produced and sent out. The next CAG Meeting is on 25 September at Marham Village Hall - these are open to all members of the public. Parking is being targeted in Downham and will be rolled out to other areas in future.

Attendance at Meetings

The Chairman pointed out that some of the sub-committee meetings had been forgotten or missed by members, would everyone please tender their apologies if they are unable to attend.


Approved by the Borough

Change of use of agricultural building and yard to storage and distribution of timber including trade counter at Stoke Ferry Timber Ltd Boughton Road

Erection of dwelling with garage and workshop 6 The Hollow

Approved by Parish

Raising of boundary wall, retention of roof windows and tiles, replacement of windows and doors and wall re-painting, construction of external staircase and balcony at All Saints House High Street - both full planning and listed building

Received since Agenda Published

Construction of Pavilion/Changing Rooms at the Playing Fields - for information only - submitted by Stoke Ferry Parish Council

Accounts for Approval

e-on - Direct Debit - £39.40 - Lighting June

CGM - £501.29 Half yearly account for grounds maintenance

MHB Services £64.38 - Lighting Maintenance July/August

Mr D Summers - £4.90 - Expenses - Petrol - June

Mrs C Hardy - £261.76 - Salary for July 2009

Mrs C Hardy - £64.22 - Expenses for July 2009 including Land Registry fees

James Bradfield School - £12.90 - Hire of Hall - June

Statement of Account as at 8 June 2009 - Total Receipts - £11541.36, Less Payments to Date £3070.77 Balance in Bank as at 14 July (Bank Statement) £8488.39.

Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon


Barclays Bank - advising the new Mandate is now up and running

Mr J Cross - Internal Auditor acknowledging receipt of cheque

Vitalise - requesting donation - not agreed

BCKLWN - cancellation of meeting on 15 July re Local Government Reorganisation

Councillors Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Leamon reported the pathways in Fairfield Road area need treating with weed killer. Also overgrown bushes in the garage area. The Clerk to report this to appropriate department.

Cllr Fiedler reported there was a dangerous screw on the train in the playing field. This will be rectified.

Cllr Fiedler also pointed out that owners of takeaway food establishments are responsible for keeping the immediate area free of rubbish. A check will be made on such establishments.

Cllr Precey reported that the new barrier had been put in place at Fairfield Road/Oak Road. Unfortunately the bikers now speed alongside 3 Border Road and down the road into Oak Road. It was agreed to write to Bennett's, as this is their land, asking them to install a staggered barrier at this point.

The Chairman reminded everyone to let the Clerk know when they will be unavailable ie holidays etc

An email had been received from John Preston regarding a meeting in Downham Market on 21 September relating to allotments. Anyone interested in attending please let the Clerk know in plenty of time.

The Chairman asked members if they had seen certain papers sent round by the Clerk on 1 July which had still not been returned. No one seemed to know of the whereabouts of these papers.

Cllr Summers reported foliage was growing over the bus stops in Bridge Road, he and Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams will trim these back. Also a large amount of rubbish had been dumped on The Common, Environmental Health are dealing with this - there will possibly be a fly tipping fine.

BC Sampson who is currently Deputy Mayor advised the meeting that his Charity was the Alzheimer's Society, who would be happy to attend any events held in the village. Also he and/or the Mayor would be happy to attend any events.

Public Other Business

The fire on the bye-pass - was a COSH statement required - this is not needed

Wretton Road renumbering - why were there gaps in the numbers - this was all carried out in liaison with the Street Numbering Department at the Borough - this is done in case of future development.

The footpath between School Lane and Wretton has been filled with rubbish and old bricks, the Clerk to write to Mr Garrett asking for this to be reinstated as it should be.

River Drove - trees have been taken down and poison left around, near the waterworks

School Lane should be 4 metres wide - if width increased this would increase speeding along this road

Hedge overgrown near the Old Bull in Bridge Road, the Clerk to write to the owners of the land.

The Cemetery has not been cut as well as normal. The Clerk to investigate

Common Land this is a complicated matter and further investigation needs to take place.

A red land rover is parking adjacent to the bus stop in Lynn Road, this is illegal parking should be reported to police.

Bennett's land not being blocked off altogether - it is suggested a staggered barrier be installed

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 16 September 2009 commencing at 7.30pm

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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