Stoke Ferry Residents' Association
December 2009
Minutes of the final meeting of Stoke Ferry Residents' Association
Meeting held on 27 October 2009
Present: Joyce Hull, June Stocking, Sybil and John Baxter, Helaine Wyett.
Apologies: Tony Hook
The meeting was called following the expiry of the Events insurance policy, and as a result of the decision to wind up the Association through lack of support and funds. It had been hoped some small amount of income might be generated from 'selling' insurance for events to other groups (providing a member of the Association was present) in order to offset the outstanding debts owed to Joyce and Tony following the Festival 2008 and the Sid Kipper evening.
Joyce reported that the balance in the bank stood at £16.34, the same amount as reported at the AGM held on 14 December 2008. Two events had taken place, paying a total of £50 direct to Joyce. No other money had been received.
Joyce reported that road signs, supplied by Steve Randall, for the Festival, still remained in her possession and she had arranged for these to be scrapped, believing there was no value. Helaine offered to contact Steve Randall to ensure his agreement.
It was agreed that the balance held in the account should be given to Joyce/Tony in lieu of monies owed to them, the account closed, and that the Association should be dissolved.
Helaine Wyett