War Memorial Gary Trouton


January 2010

Minutes of the October meeting of the Village Liaison Committee

Vion UK- Favor Parker

Stoke Ferry Feed Mill


Wednesday 21st October 2009

Present: Mrs Pat Holton (Village Representative)

Mr Ray Thompson (Editor Village Pump)

Mrs. Trudy Mann (Parish Council)

Mrs. Jacqueline Murfitt (KLWNBC)

Mr. Lionel Halls (Vion UK Favor Parker Ltd)

Mr. Keith White ( Vion UK Favor Parker Ltd)

1. Apologies

No Apologies were received prior to the meeting.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting (22nd July 2009) and matters arising.

Mrs. Murfitt from the Borough Council chaired the meeting.

It was noted that in the last minutes a sentence regarding "cars parked along Furlong Drove" should have been Furlong Road.

A grammatical error was also noted.

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed & signed.

Matters arising.

Further to requests from the Stoke Ferry Action Group relating to the possibility of using the former Dukes Head and Millers Arms for a new village amenity.

Mrs. P Holton thanked the company for the opportunity to evaluate the condition of both buildings.

An architect & local builder along with various members of the group attended the site to ascertain if the buildings were a viable proposition to use for the local community, if the company gave its approval.

The SFAG have a number of ideas to utilise the buildings.

Mr. Halls gave details of the way in which Vion manages its assets within their businesses. He stated any decision regarding the use of the buildings whether leased or sold, would have to satisfy financial controls & reflect the market value.

Mrs. Mann asked if finance was raised to complete any required repairs would this cost be off set against any leasing costs. Mr. Halls reiterated that the SFGA needs to give a firm proposal stating their intentions; any related repair costs would be reflected within the overall agreement.

3. Complaints received since the last meeting.

Mr. White stated the company had not received any complaints.

4. Noise

No complaints had been received.

5. Odour Dust & Particulates

No complaints have been received.

Mrs. Murfitt apologised for not having the information collated from the dust emission point located at the bottom of Furlong Road.

Mrs. Mann asked if the sample point could be located at a different area within the village as some residents believe that the present position benefited the company.

Mrs. Murfitt explained at length that prior to installing the sampling unit an investigation took place to ascertain the prevailing wind direction, the information collated proved the unit is sighted correctly.

She also explained that due to the way particulates reacted with wind turbulence and ambient temperatures any dust fallout from the factory would drop within the area of the sampling point's present position.

6. Transport.

No complaints had been received.

7. Any other Business

Mrs. Mann asked if the company would consider leasing the field adjacent to the playing field this would enable further space for football training, Mr. Halls stated he would consider the request.

Mrs. Mann stated after the last meeting a number of residents were approached regarding incorporating double yellow lines from the junction of Furlong Road back to the post office boundary. This idea did was not well received by some residents & Highways expressed their concerns over the need to engage traffic wardens to police this area. An H box system has been suggested this will be taken up by the Parish Council.

Mrs. Mann asked if the company had been contacted by the developers Wells Homes in relation to the building known as "Wards Garage" which is attached to the Village Hall. Both Mr. Halls & Mr. White stated they were not aware of any contact.

Mr. Thompson acknowledged & thanked the company for sponsoring a newly formed Stoke Ferry football team & their continuing support of the village pump.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20th January 2010

Keith White

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