Letter from Peter Bodle
April 2010
Peter decides t drop ot of the debate on Global Warming
Dear Ray,
As the discussion on Global warming, sea levels, et al in The Pump has ceased and appears to be replaced by one on gardening; I will now bow out and carry on my own research on these subjects in private.
The replacement article entitled Our Food Our Future seemed so flawed basic concept that it need hardly be responded to, but I will just throw this in as an aside. Government statistics confirm, 80% of the UK population live in urban areas, with a reasonable amount of them dwelling in Flats (High Rise and other), Rooms and Apartments and or Sheltered Accommodation etc. It is therefore obvious they are not able to be part of this suggested lifestyle, even if they want to. Thus said, they need food (in vast quantities) that must be provided in the conventional manner. If you have to do it this way for 15 to 20 million or so, then it is almost certainly more efficient in terms of land, energy, carbon footprint etc to do it on a large scale for the majority. Those who wish to grow their own food can then happily do so for enjoyment, not out of a perceived necessity.
Peter Bodle