West Dereham PC Minutes
April 2010
Minutes of the December meeting of West Dereham Parish Council
Present: - Mrs. Claire Cann -Chairman, Mrs. Doreen Berry, Mr. Russell Drew, Mr. Barry Glover, Mrs. Ruth Marsters, Mr. Paddy Murfitt, Ms. Alison Richardson
7 members of the public
Mr. Richard Rockcliffe (County Councillor)
MP Mr. Christopher Fraser
Mr. Jon Miles, Mr. Simon Miles and Mr. Nigel Manning attended prior to the start of the meeting to report and answer questions regarding Glazewing. A written report is forwarded to the Parish Council each month and it has been agreed a director of Glazewing will attend a Parish Council meeting each six months so points raised in the monthly reports can be addressed.
Q Is there any information regarding the retrospective application for a Certificate of Lawful Use relating to skips parked along the river?
A Glazewing representatives met with Norfolk County Council approximately a month ago and the application was said to be with the County's legal department. This has been chased recently by Glazewing but the application appears to be mislaid.
Mr. Rockcliffe will investigate what is happening with the application.
Q Are plans for a new road any further forward and is Glazewing trying to move this project forward?
A Enquiries are still being made with regard to land availability as one vendor withdrew a large area of land which is held in trust. As a consequence an alternative route for any new road needs to be investigated and there are land purchasing issues as well as an unfavourable economic climate at present. Glazewing has made redundancies but business is a bit more stable than it was.
Mr. Fraser commented that he had received complaints about the Glazewing site from residents of West Dereham and concern about the retrospective planning application.
Mr Jon Miles replied that landscaping should lessen the visual impact of skips parked alongside the river and that it is hoped more skips will be located off site if business picks up. There are no plans to extend operations at the Glazewing Station Road site but residents are concerned that an upturn in business would see more issues arising.
The Parish Council had registered a complaint with Glazewing regarding the location map on the Glazewing web site appearing to show more than one preferred route into West Dereham. This has been rectified and the preferred route into the village is indicated with of Glazewing customers being requested not to use other roads.
Members of the public voiced comments about vehicles travelling to and from the Station Road site early in the morning, vehicles having screechy brakes and vehicles speeding.
Mr. Miles responded to this by saying drivers are given information regarding how they should drive through the village but he will pass comments back to the drivers. If a complaint is received from a member of the public Glazewing do investigate the complaint and will discipline drivers. If complaints are made it would be useful if the registration of offending vehicles could be obtained but the time the vehicle was travelling and in what direction it was going will be sufficient and should be passed to Glazewing so the matter can be investigated
Q Are drivers on productivity pay?
A No, it is illegal to pay drivers on productivity. 90% of Glazewing drivers are employees of the firm but some agency drivers are used and Glazewing will speak to the agency regarding complaints received.
Mr. Fraser commented that residents can be unwilling to give their details if making a complaint for fear of reprisals. Glazewing replied to this by saying that the company is trying to bridge gaps and that complaints can be made via the Parish Council. Mr. Fraser suggested Glazewing should issue a Statement of Intent to help build a bridge.
Q Would Glazewing investigate undertaking early morning runs from a different site? This was mentioned previously at the meeting between the Parish Council and Glazewing.
A Mr. Miles replied that a few vehicles have been moved to Setch but where vehicles are going to dictates where they are stationed. Drivers however will be reminded to be courteous.
Members of the public continue to complain about drivers going to work early in the morning and that driving fast along wet roads generates much noise.
1. No Apologies for Absence.
2. Declarations of Interest made from Councillors who are also members of the Village Hall Committee and from Mr. B Glover in relation to item 7.1.
3. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on November 5th 2009 were agreed as a true record.
4. Matters arising from previous meeting
4.1 Broadband update
Mr. Rockcliffe was invited to report on the progression of broadband provision for West Dereham:
Norfolk County Council has agreed to finance a pilot scheme and a meeting with BT is imminent. A site will need to be agreed for location of a mast but it is still unclear whether the entire parish will receive broadband coverage. Mr. Rockcliffe will inform the Clerk of progress following the meeting with BT.
5. Reports
5.1 Chairman's Report
* The Police are willing to hold surgeries in the village if the Village Hall can be made available to them free of charge. The Village Hall Committee has agreed to this and the Police will be informed.
* The address of West Dereham Parish Council website is westderehamparishcouncil.org.uk.
Members of the public were asked for ideas as to what they would like to see put on the website.
5.2 Clerk's Report
* Parish Council Well Being training could be offered to West Dereham Parish Councillors by Weeting Parish Council at a small charge. This could take place on either February 3rd or 10th 2009.
* If the Clerk receives enough interest from parishioners then a first order will be placed for the oil buying syndicate. To make this viable then a total order of 15000L will need to be made.
* Four places have been booked for Councillors to attend a free planning training session in the New Year (21/01/2010 9.00am to 2.00pm - Town Hall, Downham Market).
5.3 Village Hall Report (Ruth Marsters)
Money has been received from the Parish Council in rent for the Village Hall and also as a donation of £750.00. The current account thus stands at £4657.69. Expenses for the village hall are low at the present time but money is being held to redecorate and refurnish the hall after the building works are completed and to deal with any unexpected costs that may arise. Costs include electricity, water rates, servicing of fire extinguishers, insurance and caretaking. It is estimated the yearly running costs for the hall are around £1700 with rental income being in the region of £1100.
6. Accounts/financial position update
The bank mandate noting new correspondence details and updating cheque signatories has been passed to Barclays but is still to be finalised thus a bank reconciliation is not available at present.
6.1 Payment of accounts was agreed in accordance with the budget:
CGM (grass cutting) 114.33
Anglian Water (cemetery) 13.84
6.2 2010 Precept request
The 2010 precept has been discussed at previous meetings and a budget has been drawn up taking in to account what has been decided. It was agreed to increase the precept to cover the general rise in the cost of living and thus the precept request was agreed at £7258.
7. Planning
7.1 Construction of office accommodation for farm, agricultural and ground maintenance at Hill House Farm, Bath Road, West Dereham 09/01956/F
Concern was voiced regarding the external appearance of the proposed building. The Parish Council is keen to support a new business office in the village but would like the building to be in keeping.
7.2 Construction of replacement agricultural barn at Sunnyside, Brooks Lane, West Dereham 09/02015/F
Objection as inappropriate for location. Building is too high and looks too industrial.
8. Correspondence
1. Norfolk Gritting Routes Leaflet
2. BCKLWN meeting agenda
3. BCKLWN Proposed Changes to the Planning Scheme of Delegation
9. Recycling
Concern was raised regarding recycling arrangements within the Borough. A lot of waste still deemed to be 'black waste' in West Norfolk is recycled elsewhere. In other areas biodegradable bags are issued for food waste. Much plastic continues to go to landfill and nationally packaging should be reconsidered. West Dereham Parish Council would like to know what policy the borough has relating to recycling and how this may feed into the County recycling program.
10. Further Reports
1. Possible business sponsorship for the Parish Council website will be an agenda item for a future meeting.
2. Pot holes in Station Road have been patched but repairs are already collapsing.
3. Mr. Glover requested site of the rules regarding letting of the allotments.
4. Bath Road has been swept by Country Grounds Maintenance.
5. The Clerk is to contact Stuart Hellingsworth (NCC Highways) regarding ownership of the roadside car parking area at the Village Hall.
* A large puddle forms at the corner along The Row.
* Wire still needs replacing on one footpath bridge by West Dereham Abbey.
* The ditch near the notice board along Station Road needs to be cleaned out. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
* Reflector posts will be requested for the S bend along Lime Kiln Road.
Parish Clerk