Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry parish Council

May 2010

Draft minites of the April meeting of Stoke Ferry parish Council


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 14 April 2010

Those Attending: Cllr Mrs T Mann (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Lansdell-Williams (Vice-chair), Cllr Mrs R Mendoza, Cllr M Precey, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Mrs J Markwell, Cllr D Summers, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) and 6 members of the public.

Apologies: Apologies were received from CC T White, BC C Sampson, Cllr J Fiedler and Cllr J Nicholas-Letch

The Chairman declared an interest in Planning Application for covered walkway between house and garage at Woodlands Lynn Road

Minutes of the last Meeting: Councillor Precey proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Mrs Markwell

Matters Arising:

a) Great Mans Way - The County Council Footpaths Officer sent a letter to the owner of the dogs on the 7 April giving him one month to gain proper consent for the gates, if a response is not forthcoming the gates will be removed. There is now a question of livestock being kept in the area of this public footpath.

b) Fence/Footpath near The Moorings/The Old Bull - The Planning Officer dealing with this is on holiday until next week. Will discuss at next meeting.

c) Fire on By-Pass - As no responses have been received from any of the agencies contacted it was decided not to pursue this matter any further.

d) Buckenham Drive - Still no information from Freebridge regarding hardstand parking. As this area is still being churned up by vehicles travelling across the grass it was agreed that the Clerk make contact with Freebridge and the Borough Council again.

e) Nettles/Brambles Round Bench on Common - The Chairman thanked Cllr Nicholas-Letch and Mr Philpott for clearing this area.

f) Footpath School Lane towards Wretton - this will be monitored over coming weeks

g) Fly Tipping The Common - Cllr Mrs Markwell suggested contacting Environmental Health to clear this rubbish, the Clerk advised they will not go onto the land as it is privately owned, even if we paid for the clearance. Cllr Mrs Markwell then suggested perhaps Glazewing would be able to help, she will provide the Clerk with a contact name and number.

h) Dog Fouling Wretton Road - The Clerk informed the meeting that the Borough Council are still awaiting a licence from NCC to enable this bin to be put in place, as soon as this is received arrangements will be made to have the necessary work carried out.

i) Limehouse Drove Bridleway at end of School Lane - the CC Footpaths Officer has reported that the necessary works have been carried out to reinstate this bridleway and track, but he has not visited the area to check.

j) Footpaths - Cllr Fiedler along with Mr Philpott had inspected various footpaths and the annotated plan had been forwarded to the Countryside Access Officer, the Clerk informed the meeting that no response had been received to the letter sent.

k) Concrete Posts end of Common near River Bank - the Environment Agency had been informed of the wires being removed from these posts, but to date no response from them.

l) Chapman's Field Footpath - it was reported that the footpath has not been reinstated. The Clerk to chase up the Countryside Access Warden asking them in turn to chase this matter up.

m) Potholes - Furlong Road/Drove, Wretton Road, Buckenham Drive - an inspection of these areas to take place to see if they have been repaired

n) Training for Councillors and Clerks - it was agreed that because of the amount of ongoing work this will be considered in a couple of months time

o) Personnel Committee - the Personnel Committee have met to discuss the Job Description for the Clerk a copy of which has been passed to her for perusal.

p) The Cemetery - The Chairman reported that the Probation Service had commenced work to tidy up some of the very old graves, creating a specific spoils area and a path in the Garden of Remembrance. They have run out of the materials supplied and further supplies have been ordered. The work done so far is a great improvement. The Chairman thanked Cllr Leamon for her hard work in keeping the personnel supplied with refreshments and the Clerk for the extra work this had created. The Clerk thanked the Chairman for her support and help.

q) Standing Orders - The Chairman informed the meeting that the PC will produce their own Standing Orders as soon as time allows for this to be discussed.

The Common:

The Clerk had searched through the old correspondence and it appears there are a number of anomalies that need sorting out, possibly with professional advice required. It was agreed that a Land Sub-Committee meeting will be arranged to discuss the matter and report back to the full Parish Council

Street Lighting Policy - Introduction of Part Night Lighting - NCC

The Clerk has arranged a meeting with Mr Martyn Wegg from the Street Lighting Department at NCC for Wednesday 21 April at 11.00am. Cllrs Summers and Mrs Mann also the Clerk will meet him.

Community Emergency Plan:

As Cllr Nicholas-Letch was unable to attend this meeting it was agreed that this matter will be postponed until the June Meeting. The Chairman thought that maybe an EGM should be arranged to discuss this matter as it affected the whole village.

War Memorials:

Again because of time constraints this matter is being deferred until the next meeting. The Chairman suggested the possibility of a Friends of the War Memorial Committee could be set up.


Cllr Precey informed the meeting that letters had been sent to three people who the PC know have some land in the village asking if they would reconsider their previous responses to the PC's request. One response had been received so far stating the owner was prepared to lease the land for £150 per calendar month. It was agreed this was far too high a figure. No decisions will be made until replies had been received from everyone. As a last resort compulsory purchase may be considered which would be dealt with by the Borough Council. The Chairman suggested getting the press involved.

Community Transport:

Cllr Precey reported he had placed notices around the village asking for volunteer drivers, but to date had only received an offer from one person, this scheme seems to be a non starter. If any one knows of someone who needs a lift to the surgery to contact Cllr Precey on 502147. The lifts would be given for specific appointments only not to the open surgeries.

CAG Meeting (Community Action Group):

Only about 7 people attended - the main points raised were vandalism at the School and the Playing Fields - as a result Stoke Ferry would be a priority area for the next eight weeks along with Marham. The Chairman reported she was quite shocked to learn that there are only 2 Police Officers covering 24 villages during the evenings.

Your Council Your Decision (Youth Club Project):

The Clerk informed the meeting that the money for this project had now been received from NALC. Cllr Leamon had informed the personnel dealing with this project, that the PC had the money. A meeting will be arranged to discuss and put in place a working arrangement for release of the said monies. NALC have informed the Clerk that quotations must be obtained before money can be released.

Parish Litter Warden Scheme:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch brought this scheme to the notice of the PC. After consideration it was decided no further action would be taken.


Application for Covered Walkway between house and garage at Woodland Lynn Road

Approved by the Borough

Listed Building Application - Alterations to dwelling at Moulsham House High Street

Approved by Parish

Two Storey Side Extension and single storey front extension at 2 River Drove School Lane

Alterations to existing cottage and construction of two dwellings following demolition of shed and existing extension at Church Cottages High Street

Erection of steel framed agricultural barn for storage of agricultural vehicles, implements and equipment at Flint Farm Oxborough Road

Received after Publication of Agenda

Extension to Mura Boughton Road

Accounts for Approval

Anglian Water - DD - £24.96 - Cemetery Water Rates

Travis Perkins - £350.00 - Materials for Cemetery

MHB Services - £131.56 - Lighting Maintenance March/May (2 invoices)

BCKLWN - £33.61 - Collection of Dog Waste - Sept-Dec 2009

BCKLWN - £82.16 - Cemetery Rates

Mr A Willis - £30.00 - Clearance of Rubbish from Cemetery

James Bradfield School - £12.90 - Hire of Hall - February

Thomas B Bonnett - £4.43 - Materials for Cemetery

Thomas B Bonnett - £305.50 - Notice Board for Cemetery

NALC - £177.88 - Annual Subscription

Mrs C Hardy - £261.76 - Salary for March

Mrs C Hardy - £33.22 - Expenses for March

Mrs M Leamon - £16.78 - Refreshments for Probation Workers

E-on - DD - £39.40 - Lighting - March

Travis Perkins - £120.00 - Materials for Cemetery

Stoke Ferry Playing Fields - £750.00 - Donation

Broadland Toilet Hire - £29.38 - Hire of Toilet for Cemetery

Statement of Account as at 31 March 2010 - Total Receipts - £17287.97, Less Payments to Date £8674.56. Balance in Bank as at 31 March - Community Account £5446.13, Business Reserve Account £3167.28. The current account figure includes the £4625.00 for the Youth Club Project.

Cllr Mrs Leamon pointed out that the figures for the YCP had been transposed - the Clerk apologised for this error.

Cllr Mrs Mendoza proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon


W Emerson & Son - Request for New Memorial to replace existing - Alfreda White - approved. As this was a replacement consideration was given to the charges to be made. After discussion it was agreed that half the normal fee to be charged.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Markwell, seconded by Cllr Mrs Mendoza that a fee of £35 be charged. Unanimously Agreed.

W Emerson & Son - Request for New Memorial to replace existing - James Murray and Ethel Murray - currently double plot with kerb stones and small flower vase. It was unanimously agreed that there is no headstone at present the full charge of £70 should be made.

NALC - Coffee and Chat at the Lynford Hall Hotel Mundford on Wednesday 28 April between 2-4pm. Please advise Clerk if you wish to attend.

BCKLWN - Derelict Buildings - wishing to bring these properties back into use

James Bradfield School - Meeting on Monday 19 April at 2pm to discuss "what makes the school distinctive and how it will be in 5 years time.

Councillors Other Business:

* Cllr Mrs Mann advised the meeting that the PC Insurance is now administered by AON which includes a Clause asking whether any councillors or clerks have any convictions against them. The Clerk to write to all councillors setting out the specific questions asking them to sign and return the letter.

* Village Liaison Meeting - Cllr Mrs Mann informed the meeting she had attended this meeting today making the following comments. There was no borough council official present, no reports received relating to the dust monitor in Furlong Road. 1 complaint had been received since last meeting. On the 24 April and 7 May there will be a crane at Vions carrying out works to the pipes on the roof. Next meeting will be 14 July. Any complaints advise Cllr Summers or Cllr Mann.

* Cllr Mrs Mann asked whether the PC should contact Wretton PC to ask if they would be prepared to contribute towards the costs involved with the Common, ie clearing rubbish emptying dog waste bin. The Clerk to write.

* Cllr Summers asked why the pigs in School Lane needed so much water - it was pointed out they need this to keep their skin from becoming too dry or sunburnt.

* Cllr Mrs Mendoza reported the Hedge at the Blue Bell had shoots overlapping onto the footpath. Cllr Mrs Lansdell-Williams will sort this out.

* Cllr Mrs Mendoza informed the meeting that the next LAG meeting will be on Friday 14 May.

* Cllr Mrs Leamon asked what was happening about the loose manhole cover in Lynn Road

* Also the lower end of the footpath in Buckenham Drive which runs from Lynn Road - now dangerous - the Clerk to report to the Borough Council

Public Other Business

* Who is responsible for clearing rubbish from the footpath from Lynn Road to Buckenham Drive ie contraceptives.

* There is a great deal of Ragwort growing around the village - who is responsible for removing it. The Clerk will make contact with the Environmental Health

* The River Bank and Posts have been mentioned to an Environment Officer and will be looked into.

* The rubbish on The Common - this will be dealt with in due course - see earlier minute

* Great Mans Way - gates - see previous minute

* Lark Road Development - who organised the meeting at the Village Hall - Pelorus organised it.

* Dog Fouling on footpath at Town Piece - the Clerk to provide some signs.

* Furlong Road - development - site very untidy old office chair dumped there - the Clerk will write to owners of site

* Is there a time period for building properties once commenced as some sites become an eyesore - there does not appear to be.

* Sugar Beet lorries still going into Buckenham Drive - the Clerk will write again.

* Parking - Hammerhead Buckenham Drive - this matter will be raised again with BCKLWN

* The Cemetery - water tank has been removed no vessels for water - the Chairman advised a notice was placed advising this was being removed and asking visitors to bring their own water carrying equipment.

* Lorries parking on verge in Furlong Drove - to be reported to Highways asking for bollards to prevent parking

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 12 May 2010 commencing at 7.15pm followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting commencing at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk

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