West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council

May 2010

Minutes of the April meeting of West Dereham Parish Council




Present: Mrs Claire Cann - Chairman, Mrs Doreen Berry, Mrs Ruth Marsters, Mr Paddy Murfitt, Ms Alison Richardson.

Mr Richard Rockcliffe - County Councillor

5 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence accepted from:

Mr Russell Drew, Mr Barry Glover

Mr Trevor Manley - Borough Councillor

2. Declarations of Interest

Mrs C Cann declared a personal interest in discussion relating to site specific allocations in the Local Development Framework.

3. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 04/03/10 were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters arising from previous meetings

4.1 Broadband Update

Mr R Rockcliffe presented an update relating to Broadband provision for the village (to be added to Parish Council website). West Dereham is to be held as an example that provision will happen in more remote areas. Mr. Rockcliffe offered to request that a representative from Norfolk County Council attend a Parish Council meeting to explain how Broadband will be provided.

BT is to provide a long range wireless connection from Hilgay Primary School to a mast in West Dereham, to provide publicly accessible Internet to homes and the Mobile Library Service. A standard Wi-Fi service will be broadcast from the mast in West Dereham, available to all those in range. Service is dependant on distance from the mast and what obstructions are between the mast and the user.

Hilgay Primary School is already connected to the Norfolk County Council Data Network. A portion of this bandwidth will be used to provide Internet access to West Dereham.

Users of the service will need to log on using their Library card.

5. Reports:

5.1 Chairman's Report:

* It has been reported to the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk that areas of the Parish, in particular Lime Kiln road to the A134, need litter cleared.

* A request will be made to Frimstone to provide a schedule of works indicating when the bunds will be constructed around the new mineral extraction site. There is concern that tree planting should begin soon.

* The County Council will be asked to define inert waste as the Parish Council would like to know exactly what type of waste could be brought to Frimstones new quarry in future.

* The Parish Council has been informed of more sites in West Dereham that have been submitted for inclusion in the Local Development Framework as possible development sites for the future. A map of the sites is available which will be displayed at Parish Council meetings and added to the Parish Council website if this is permitted. Although the consultation period has not yet begun the Parish Council agreed to pass initial comments to the Borough Council to the effect that the village does not have the infrastructure to support the suggested large developments. The access and egress roads are not suited for the considerable growth in village traffic that would result from such development. Any large scale development was considered to be detrimental to the village. If possible the map showing the proposed site will be displayed on the Parish Council website.

* The first Police surgery in the village took place on 30/03/10. Leaflets had been delivered advertising this and four villagers attended. Speeding through the village was discussed.

* Mr. Rockcliffe provided signs asking people to drive slowly through the village. The signs can be attached to wheelie bins.

* Mr. Murfitt will order wood to make planters to be placed along the road side past the Village hall.

5.2 Clerk's Report:

* Parish Councillors will be presented with folders to hold information papers from meetings. Copies of slides from recent planning training provided by BCKLWN will be added to the folders.

5.3 Village Hall Report:

* A Village Hall Development Committee has been formed and tender documents were sent out to eleven companies for the work to be undertaken on the Village Hall. Replies have been received from all but one.

* A meeting looking into grant funding is planned.

* Drainage has been installed at the Village Hall car park and the area will now be levelled and tidied.

* It was noted that Mr Richard French has undertaken litter picking around the Hilgay Road area of the village.

5.4 Glazewing Report:

* The monthly report from Glazewing had previously been distributed to Councillors and points made were conveyed to those attending the meeting.

* The Chairman has noticed an increase in metal falling from vehicles travelling along Lime Kiln Road.

* Norfolk County Council will be contacted to enquire why no decision has yet been reached on the planning applications noted on the report.

* Paul Norris has agreed to add his telephone number to the next report as another means of contact.

6. Accounts: Financial position update

6.1 It is estimated the Parish Council current account will stand at £1905 once the following payments have been made:

Clerk's salary (March) £121.60

Methwold High School (copying) £8.20

Inland Revenue £30.40

CGM (grass cutting) £116.82

EFS (printing) £16.00

Anglianwater £13.30

The reserve account stands at £1610.45

6.2 Discussion took place regarding the goal posts on the Playing Field. A complaint has been made that the goal posts have been fixed too low into the ground. It has also been suggested the goal mouths should be returfed and a quote of £223.50 has been received to do this. Mr. Murfitt offered to investigate further what needs to be done and this will be a matter again for the next agenda.

7. No Planning applications received.

7.1 Norfolk County Council - Norfolk Minerals and Waste Site Allocations: Further Issues and Options: Notification of new and amended sites. The Parish Council has been sent notice of an amendment to MIN 114, Field No. 26, Manor Farm, Main Road, Crimplesham PE33 9DX. The boundary of the site for extraction of clay has been reduced and thus the site area is to be 4.8ha rather than 7.3. The haul road has been revised to route it directly to Main Road, Crimplesham. A consultation on amended sites will be carried out in the summer of 2010. The Parish Council agreed this site was not acceptable originally, because of the landscape implications for the village and because Norfolk has sufficient clay supplies. These reasons still apply and the Parish Council will respond to Norfolk County Council accordingly.

8. Correspondence:

8.1 BCKLWN Financial Assistance and Funding Opportunities Newsletter.

8.2 Notification of West Norfolk Inter Village Games.

8.3 Norfolk Rural Community Council. NCC is gathering information on the social, economic and cultural impact of slow provision of Broadband speeds in Norfolk. NCC is asking for anecdotal evidence of poor performance having an effect on local people. Response should be sent to laura.childs@norfolk.gov.uk. This information will be added to the Parish Council website.

8.4 The Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk has responded to the enquiry made by the Parish Council regarding the amount of money spent on Local Government Reorganisation. The answer from the deputy Chief executive states "I would confirm that the Council did not spend any funds on reorganisation of local government in West Norfolk but in defending the current structure of the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk the Council did commit spending of £250,000".

8.5 Letter received from resident objecting to Local Development Framework proposals between Bell Barn and Willow Farm West Dereham.

8.6 Notification of courses to be run by NRCC.

9. Further Reports/items for the next agenda:

9.1 Mr. R Drew is still to clear the dyke as offered at the March meeting but he has not yet had the time to do so.

9.2 A tender document will be drawn up relating to land at the allotments. A draft document will be presented for approval at the May Parish Council meeting.


* Mr. Rockcliffe advised that it could be useful for residents to write to the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk regarding their concerns of future development in the parish. This matter could be an agenda item at the Annual Parish Meeting. There is a lack of infrastructure in the village to support any large development and the poor quality of the roads would not support growth in the village. There is concern regarding dangerous corners and poor visibility that would not support any increase in village traffic.

* Pot holes need repairing along Station Road, Church Road and St. Andrews Walk.

* Speeding was discussed at the Police surgery and the parish Council will continue to investigate ways to show that a problem exists. Enquiries will be made to see if information gathered previously can be made available.

* Rubbish has been dumped along Ryston Road.

* It was reported that the opening times of the recycling centre at Crimplesham are to be reduced. It was felt this may result in increased fly tipping and NCC will be informed of concerns.

* The date of the Annual Parish Meeting is set for 22nd April. Village organisations will be invited to present a report at the meeting. All households have been leafleted about the meeting and asked to suggest any agenda items.

Parish Clerk

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