War Memorial Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Meeting

June 2010

Minutes of 2010 Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Meeting


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.15pm on Wednesday 12 May 2010

Those Attending Mrs T Mann (Chair) Mrs S Lansdell-Williams (Vice-Chair) Mrs M Leamon, Mr D Summers, Mrs R Mendoza, Mr M Precey, Mrs J Markwell, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 11 members of the public.

Apologies Were received from County Councillor T White, Borough Councillor C Sampson

Minutes of Last Meeting

Mrs R Mendoza proposed acceptance of the minutes, seconded by Mrs M Leamon

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

Chairman's Report

The Chairman read her report to the meeting (attached to these minutes) - she did not realise how much work and time would be involved, she was pleased with the achievements of the parish council during her year first year in office, in particular the litter pick, the good attendance at the Remembrance Sunday short service, the retaining of the phone in the telephone box. Obviously there are still many problems to be sorted out which hopefully will be achieved in the coming year. She thanked the parish councillors and clerk who enable this parish council to make a difference. Remember that we are all here to make Stoke Ferry an even better place to live, we do it for the love of it and because we care. Please respect the fact that we give our time willingly but as a community we should work together.

Playing Field Report

A report from the Playing Field Committee was read thanking the Parish Council for the money donated towards the insurance also for the grass cutting in the field. Considerable amount of vandalism has taken place during the year to the play equipment, the light has been pulled down which required disabling for safety reasons. The roof of the changing room has been damaged and the ceiling has fallen in. Bingo sessions have been held to help raise funds towards all the repairs required because of this vandalism. The new building - quotes are awaited before funding can be applied for. They have lost one football team but have gained Stoke Ferry men's team back who are sponsored by Vion. They hope to upgrade the play equipment and hopefully obtain some grants during the coming year.

Mr Nicholas-Letch joined the meeting at 7.20pm

Village Hall Committee Report

The Village Hall report was read - the hall continues to be a valuable asset to the village and surrounding communities. The weekly bingos continue to be a great success, the hall is booked most evenings for Yoga, Line Dancing, Parties, Funeral Wakes. The Village Pump use it regularly for collating, the Football Club and Playing Field committees for meetings also the Police CAG meetings are held there, it is also used in school holidays by the Education Authorities. Talks are still continuing regarding the new village hall.

James Bradfield School

The School were invited to submit a report but this was not received.

Little Oaks Pre-School

The report from the Pre-School was read outlining their activities, currently 26 children attend, last year renewal of their planning permission was required, they have applied for grants and have had some success, the carpets need replacing and painting is also needed, a small sensory garden is being created, the front fence has been renewed. A request was made for financial help from the parish council. It was agreed to look into this, if approved it would need to be included in the Budget for 2011/2012. Mrs Lansdell-Williams will meet with them to look at their finances and discuss this matter

Any Other Business

Mr Nicholas-Letch apologised for being late.

Mr Summers reported that a member of the public had reported the loose manhole in Lynn Road to him. This has been reported to Highways on numerous occasions who need to sort the matter out with Anglian Water. The Parish Council do not have the authority to rectify such problems. The public can always phone Highways which will possibly help to get the problem sorted out quicker.

Mr Summers also reported the same member of the public queried weeds overgrowing his property from the Wells Home site in Lynn Road. This is not a parish council problem and the person concerned should make contact with Wells Homes.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.32pm.

Parish Clerk

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