Wereham News
August 2010
Reprot on recent activities and those planned for next month
What a difference a day makes!
Rain, well below normal temperature, wind, a marquee with a mind of its own and a fair bit of language (from my husband!) on Saturday afternoon did not bode well for Wereham Open Gardens the next day Sunday 20th June, almost mid summer's day.
Sunday morning brought low cloud and drizzle and an awful sinking feeling......
But wait a minute - is that a small patch of blue sky? Is that another one over there? Is there enough to make a Dutchman a pair of trousers? Thankfully by 12 o'clock there was more sun than cloud and spirits rose accordingly.
Yesssss! It was going to be alright for the 8th Open Gardens.
This year saw 11 varied gardens open around the village including 2 new ones. We had over 100 visitors from far and near who enjoyed looking around the gardens and, as always commented on the warm and friendly welcome they received.
For the first time we offered lunches in served the marquee. The home baked quiche and salad lunches were a great success, with many favourable comments. Home made cakes served with the teas were popular during the afternoon in the village hall.
The day ended with Gardeners' Songs of praise organised by Tom and led by Pippa in the church.
The event raised £774.00 for St Margaret's which is tremendous.
Many thanks to my merry band of gardeners; without your efforts and support we couldn't do it!
Thanks also to:
* Christine, Jo and Beth for the excellent lunches and to Tammy and Laura for their most professional waitress service.
* All who kindly donated items for the lunches.
* As usual there was a super choice of plants for sale either grown under the watchful eye of Ronnie, or donated to us.
* Sheila and Jane for wielding the teapot and to all who donated such lovely cakes for the teas.
* Map and raffle ticket sellers Sheila and Sarah.
Organising any event depends upon the goodwill and support of a lot of people and I do hope I haven't left anybody out. Once again many thanks to every one involved. And finally....Gary and Greg I haven't forgotten your valiant efforts with the wildly flapping marquee!
Wereham Tots
What a load of pants!
A steady stream of members arrived, armed with potties and pants-"we started this week and all is going well" said one Mum, "oh we've just started, not going too badly", said another, "won't use the toilet seat, so the potty goes everywhere we do" came another reply.
Keep up the good work and remember that you are saving money and helping the environment!
We raised £100 at the recent prize bingo. With this money we will be able to help fund our trip to Banham Zoo.
Car Boot Sale-Sunday September 12th
10am onwards in Wereham Village Hall
£5 per pitch
Contact Janet (500732) or Doreen (500218)
Included on the day:
* horse rides for children
* Bouncy castle, face painting
* Tombola
* Cake stalls
* Raffle
* Various other game stalls
* Local Art/craft in village hall
* Fish and Chip van
* Ice cream van
Lynda Eddy